What Do You Want to Do?

in #education11 months ago

I teach various subjects in finance, science, engineering, mathematics, computer and info tech, and martial arts. I teach about the Creator God and make public discussions about the truths, good vs evil. I can fix cars, but so far I haven't offered pro services on this. Working on it still.

So far, anything pro mechanics could do, I could do; anything that I was stuck on, I got the pro mechanics over to do the work, but they also have no clue. They do faster but clumsy and create problems, I really fixed all the problems I worked on for good and I do better than the pro.

I did plumbing work last year from a pipe broke at my home, I fixed my washers and dryers more than 5 times. I took a washer all apart to see the motor and transmission split apart inside on one big project. Anyone want to partner up with me to sell used appliances? I troubleshooted a mysterious malfunctioning fridge by myself and pinpointed the defroster problem and changed it by myself, saving $300 if I got Mahan Appliances to come fix it for me.

You want to do business with me as partner, learn something from me, or need a service from me, you contact me: www.aaw.link, Christopher. I hate shit talker bitching all the times not doing anything. BTW, I have very little respect to official teachers with "teaching certificate" because I found out that certificate program is a lying lowlife joke-- a corruption itself! That's where all the deviant sex-perverts and lying lowlifes come from. I wrote an article and video on that topic more than five years ago:


You call for action and DO SOMETHING! You call people to suggest/propose to DO SOMETHING! What do you want to do?
Truth speaker does not hide. All liars, lie creators, or liar creators are not my friends.