What is your idea of a truly educated individual?

in #educated6 years ago

These kids are indoctrinated.
These kids are truly educated.

Okay, before you go nuts, tell me:

What’s an educated person?
What’s an indoctrinated person?
We need to first understand what indoctrination is.

Indoctrination is like the software I “program” into a computer. I control the hardware with my instructions. Using software, I guide the computer to give me what I want. Any result outside these pre-set parameters will be considered a SYSTEM ERROR!

Indoctrination has an agenda!

Indoctrination is used to influence other people’s beliefs, blinding them to completely agree with such thinking. Indoctrination is like religion… many religious people don’t know why they believe what they believe.

Indoctrination is aimed to sway people to believe in facts presented to them, without being able to understand such facts.

Traditional education has been indoctrination, NOT education.

I don’t mean to offend anyone, but today, I believe millions of people are indoctrinated, NOT educated… myself included.

So, what is education?

Real education is the development of one’s own beliefs based on the facts that are discovered through a process.
Real education is unbiased. It’s founded in reality and not to persuade anyone.
Real education involves an ability where individuals seeks for data while differentiating or filtering what is truth and what is not. Indoctrination seeks mostly for social validation.
Real education points out that there are endless solutions to the same problem. Indoctrination poses the belief that there is only one solution to a problem.
Real education is liberating!
Real education induces freedom!
Real education is powerful!
Real education can be dangerous without human values.
Real education teaches you how to think.
Real education teaches us how to solve problems.
Real education teaches us how to create things; to innovate.
Most importantly, real education teaches us how to THINK DIFFERENT!

What does real education have to do with those poor kids on the first picture?

I like to use analogies with my answers.
I consider those kids truly educated individuals!


Do you think indoctrination made them experts to survive in such inhuman conditions? No! They learned to differentiate good from wrong. They developed survival skills that have made them EXPERTS in their small “world.”

As we transition from the Industrial Age (perfect system for indoctrination) into the Digital Age, we need new methods of education to help the next generation not only survive, but to thrive in this complex world that we live in. We need to wake up because this world is quickly becoming a “slum!”