The game as the main activity of the child.
There are many approaches to the definition of the game, each of which reflects important aspects of this surprising and important for the development of the type of children's activity.

The period of childhood plays the role of the preparatory stage in which the child, in the process of interacting with everyday objects, toys and adults, develops skills in the play actions.
A game is a special type of child activity, which allows you to accumulate your emotional and social experience in a safe situation, acquire knowledge and improve existing skills. The game is the main source of joy for the child.
The children's game is:

✔ The way to introduce the child to the world of culture;
✔ The bad way to teach the child vital skills;
✔ A way to familiarize a child with a wide range of human activities;
✔ A way to gently correct a child's behavior;
✔ Delicate diagnosis of the level of development of the child's diverse capacities;
✔ A form of socio-psychological training;
✔ The method of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the child to solve real-life problems;
✔ The easiest way to create friendships among children.
A toy is a means to support the game. A toy companion (adult or another child), any object, made by itself or a product specially manufactured by the manufacturers, from a ball or a mass to play to computer game programs, can act as a toy. The value of a toy for a child is determined solely by its ability to support the game.
The impact of the game on the development of the child.
Playing, children are constantly evolving. However, adults often do not take children's games seriously. They consider it a waste of time.

Cognitive development
Through games, children learn the world in many ways. They learn by experience about the basic properties of various objects and substances, and study their purpose. The knowledge of the world through the game starts from the beginning.
It begins before the child can consciously play anything. Just shake a rattle, listen to the noise, fold or pull toys. Discovering the world, the baby simultaneously develops its memory and logic.
Physical development
There are games that are specifically aimed at the development of physical abilities. At this time, children master the movement, improve their skills and endurance.
The development of figurative thinking.
Often during the game the child shows imagination. He models the space, gives the toys certain properties, elaborates names and characters for them. The children understand that all this is not real, but during the game the candy wrappers become real money for them, and the sand is the test for the cakes.
Speech and skill development.
When there is a plot in the game, and the toys fulfill the roles, the child pronounces his actions and words. Such games are especially useful in a team. Speech develops, the ability to communicate. In this case, children learn to negotiate the rules and then follow them.
The motivation
As a rule, in role-playing games, the child imitates his parents or other adults. He becomes temporarily an adult, proving himself in one or another role. In the form of a game, he is trying to perform certain actions. In such games, one can see the motivation to grow as a worthy person, get an education, be able to find a good job, be realized in a profession.
As a general rule, children play with each other in fictitious plots, but at the same time they react to the actions of real game partners. It can be joy, gratitude or resentment. At this time, human qualities are formed. The child learns to be brave, shows determination, goodwill.
Play is very important in a child's life. And the more diverse and interesting they are, the better prepared the baby will be for adulthood. Therefore, it is impossible to neglect the games of your children. It is very important to observe how the child shows imagination, and how he interacts with other children.
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