"My children fight a lot, what can I do?"
Unfortunately, brothers and sisters often fight. Therefore, you must learn how to direct your emotions in the right direction and also to demonstrate that dialogue resolves a conflict much more effectively than physical aggression.

- First, these fights occur because children have to face their older siblings in certain emotionally saturated situations or simply following the instinct of survival.
- Second, they often hit the weakest and smallest, trying to show them who is in charge here and force them to obey their will.
Key recommendations on how to control children's fights.

As they grow up, the physical manifestations of aggression join the persecution, the so-called bullying. This is especially characteristic of school-age children. Adolescents are capable of showing aggression even in relation to adults. In this stage, they generally tend to the complete negation of any limit.
In parenting, parents often have to act blind. With each child they return all the way, and every day they give new surprises. However, I want to share with you some key tips on how to behave if your child is often involved in fights.
1. Change the attitude towards physical aggression.
The main weapon against violence that you must show your children is the power of the word. The child must learn that in a situation of conflict that can become violent, he must first try to resolve it through dialogue.
Children should try to solve the problem constructively, without the use of physical force.
2. Learn by example.
It is important how you yourself know; how to control your emotions After all, children are his reflection. Their additional behavior will depend to a large extent on the emotional education they receive in the family.
If you constantly insult others, hit the house and throw things against the wall, then you can not teach your child to act otherwise. Your example will be much stronger than the correct words and instructions.
3. Create an atmosphere of calm in the family.
As we have said, the ability to control emotions begins in the family. You must teach your children to act reasonably and calmly, especially in conflict situations.
4. Clarify to the child that he is not the center of the world.
Children must realize that they are not always right and that the world does not revolve around them. As parents, they should help them understand that they are part of a team in which everyone has their own tastes and preferences and should be respected.
Your goal is to make the child understand that his words and wishes are not always important to others.
5. Appropriate impact assessment
After any manifestation of aggression, the child must see the consequences of his actions. You must understand that nobody wants to be a friend of a fighter.
6. Communication is the key to resolving any conflict.
It seems common to talk about the importance of dialogue between parents and children. However, this is really the key to ensuring that your child can learn important rules of life, including ways to resolve conflicts.
Talk to him, listen and ask questions about how he feels. This will allow you to have a better idea of what is in your heart and give you the right advice on how to deal with the problems that concern you.

If parents can not take control of the child's conflict behavior, they often do not stand up and accompany him or her. This can be understood, but in no case can this be done. Any aggression is definitely bad and deserves censorship. If you show flexibility regarding this problem, the child will grow up with the wrong configuration. You will think that aggression is a normal way to achieve your goals.
All children go through a stage in which fighting is common, even between brothers and sisters. Your task is to show how to solve problems according to the child's age.
Trust your instincts and teach children to manage their emotions every day. So they learn to show empathy, a rational approach and, in the end, they will grow happy.
https://kidshealth.org/es/parents/sibling-rivalry-esp.html https://www.guiainfantil.com/blog/educacion/conducta/decisiones-que-deben-tomar-los-padres-en-una-pelea-entre-hermanos/Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://guada1.vornix.blog/2019/05/11/my-children-fight-a-lot-what-can-i-do/