Weekly update: 28th June, 2019

in #edge5 years ago

Happy Friday all 👋

We've just released a preview of our roadmap update, covering some of the key updates to the Edge network for the next 12-18 months. The full version will be released with the our new website, but for now you can access the preview here: https://dadi.cloud/en/updates/network/roadmap-updates/

We met with our patent lawyers for an update early this week. There's been a lot of progress on this front, and we expect to have completed the process in the next few months.

This will be an important milestone for us as it means that we will be in a position to fully open source the network codebase.

Pursuing patents for the core architecture and components of the platform is important because it provides protection for the entire community by putting a level of barrier in place to competition, which should help to establish the Edge network as the protocol for edge computing.

The third party report on the network will be ready ahead of moving the code base to full open source.

While the PPA site is still not live, it is very close. We're waiting on final content amends before it gets cut over to live, which with luck will be next week.

We've been contacted by and are exploring a research opportunity with an aerospace company.

We kicked off planning for a presence at a major event in London in November. More details in the coming weeks.

The network engineering team have been pretty much flat out:

They have completed some of the final components of network-sync, the service the network uses to persist device data now that the network manifest is ephemeral. This includes recording the duration of device sessions and metadata. It’ll be important for payout calculations in the next phase of development.

They have also been closing out final changes to Vault ACL, finishing this week with an ACL onboard script that’ll be used to automate the founding node migration away from the current ACL implementation.

They have been working on finalising the roadmap updates and timings, as well as migrating data out of consul ahead of the conversion to multi DC.

API’s test suite has been extended even further. all the 15,000+ - !!! - database operations generated from the ~1,000 unit tests are now stored as a snapshot and replayed against each data connector module. you can see the new testing module at https://github.com/dadi/test-tools and an example of it in action at https://travis-ci.org/dadi/api-mongodb/jobs/551251808

Our code quality tools have been improved with consistent linting and code formatting (https://github.com/dadi/code-standards) now applied to Publish and API.

The team also released the first release candidate of Publish v3.0 (which if you remember from previous updates is a React build).

And they closed out a series of Publish issues (https://github.com/dadi/publish/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed).

And finally...

We are going to be rebranding DADI completely. You can find out more here:


Branding and design will be previewed early next week.

Enjoy your weekends 👊