The Power of Choice...

in #ecotrain5 years ago

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Choice and free will may just very well be the greatest gifts we have as free willed human beings on this planet. Some of us reside in locations that have abundant choice, while others live in areas where choice can be more restricted. Regardless of individual living circumstances and political controls, to a large degree, we all still have the power of choice in most of our daily lives. What we eat, what we do for our careers, whom we choose to associate with, how we choose to behave and live, and many others that can alter the course of our lives throughout time.

This weeks #ecotrain QOTW asks us whether or not we feel there is too much choice in the world. With the constant barrage of options that enter our minds from the very moment we wake, to when we lay our heads down at night - - - it can all be a bit much to take in.

I for one am thankful for all the choices we are given. Yes, this materialistic and modern world through which most of us live can put an inordinate amount of options in front of us, that if not carefully managed, can lead to information overload. Yet, this is why we are here. One of the greatest things about life is our ability to manifest what we want. Whether we realize it or not, this is exactly what we do with every thought. Sometimes this happens on auto-pilot with easier decisions, and other times we really need to ponder what we are going to choose to do. The summation of outcomes of even the simplest choices on a daily basis help shape us into the people we are and whom we become.

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Planet Earth is really just a giant school of learning for all of human kind. We exist to make choices. Yes, one may think it would be easier to simply have less choices at the grocery store, or less options when it comes to wearing clothing, yet at the core of everyday decisions we are tested at a deeper and more meaningful level. Every single choice we make ads up through time, culminating as we go, and placing us on specific paths. The question I often ask my self is whether or not I am fulfilling my life path or purpose.

My known understanding of life is that we are all here by choice. We are choosing to enter this physical existence known as the "Earth School" so that we can fulfill certain needs of development. We all have a reason for being here. That reason is to grow spiritually. Spiritual growth occurs both in this "Earth life," as well as when we cross over and become part of the non-physical realms. The growth and experience never stops until one very long day from now when we become so spiritually enlightened that we either choose to not incarnate physically and continue our learning in the non-physical realms, or when we do reach a high level of spiritual enlightenment and we choose to come back and help others in their physical life endeavors.

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My personal belief is when we can begin to concern ourselves with less trivial matters, such as whether or not to purchase the latest new phone, TV, or car - and pull into focus what we are doing for the greater good of our souls, that is when the real choices come into play.

We also need to learn that we are never alone when making these decisions. We constantly have our team of light around us, ready at our beckoning need to assist. However - the universe or our team of light is not going to choose for us. This is where free will comes into play. When we truly seek guidance from our spiritual helpers, they will illuminate the path for us. We still have to walk that road or choose otherwise. The summation of what we do helps carve out our future selves. That's the beauty of it...

And fear not with trying to not stress too much over those choices - for each one provides us with unique learning and opportunities for growth. Everyone one of us is different and trying to grow in our own ways. What one of us needs is not the same for the whole. That is why I do not believe that their are necessarily "right" or "wrong" choices. Each outcome will provide us with another unique circumstance of learning and decision making that can either fulfill our individual and unique needs or keep us further away from our eventual destiny - unequivocal spiritual awakening. Becoming one with the whole...the source...the universe...God, or whatever your belief in a higher power may be.

So try and keep it all relative. Always trust your "gut instinct," as that is likely our teams of light trying to illuminate what we should consider doing. But no matter the choice we make - - - we're going to be given opportunities again and again. We may not always get it right, but we'll be growing and evolving spiritually if we simply realize the outcomes of the choices we've made and own them. If bad outcomes persist, we need to learn from them and choose differently in future and like events. That is what this life is all about.

The Power of Choice...enjoy it, embrace it, and live.

Be well my friends - peace, love, and joy to you all...


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Hey, it's good to see you writing again. Insightful as always and I'm glad you joined in for this QOTW.

Posted using Partiko Android

I really appreciated the reminder about the choice that I make with each and every thought. Yes. What we see on the so-called macro stage is simply a reflection of the myriad of thoughts that run through our minds hourly. Less is more, focus and choice are everything.

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