
Thank you for this post - I have just planted onions and have never grown them before - you have given me some good ideas with the mulch suggestion and how to store :)

Great! Im glad you found it to be helpful. Good luck with your onions!! What variety are you growing?

They are a large brown onion called Pukekohe Long Keeper. I have done it all wrong but if they fail I shall have your post to refer back to and I shall start again lol - I really want to grow onions coz it's something I use all the time and It would be great to not have to pay for them!!!

Indeed! Sounds like an interesting variety

Awesome!! This is so handy...seeded my bunching onions and chives like that, I am starting onion seeds today so I will do it this way!! I fail with onion sets every year, hoping seeds will work! Thank you, great post:)

Best of luck!!

I guess I should probably get to work. Thanks for the inspiration!

I'm glad you are inspired! The sun is shining here today and I can feel spring in the air even though it's chilly!

I sowed some walla walla onion seeds the other day, first time with onions :) I didn't do clumps though, perhaps the red sets I have I'll do that way.
Thanks for the informative post :)

Oh how I love Walla Wallas!!!!

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Sorry for dropping by only so late. I am entering a phase of very sporadic steemit use due to work.

Just wated to say that I feel always embraced when you post about planting, growing, harvesting and handling vegetables. There must be a secret market gardener hidden inside of me! **whisper.. -and I love shallots!-

Thank you as always.

hello and thank you!!! I can relate!! Suddenly the work outdoors has begun, and i havent been able to STEEMIT as much as I would like. Happy gardening!!!

Looks like a great start .... 8 }