Happy to get back to Steemit and some more positive news in my life
I can do anything
I am finally seating alone in my kitchen in my new home in Prague, Czech Republic. The lovely music plays as background and I finally have a chance to re-think what was happening with me in past few weeks. April and May were absolutely crazy months for me with jumping from one country to the other trying to make sure all is going to be as planned. I believe that the credo "I can do anything" was always a part of my life. Each project I have ever started was a personal challenge, my way to prove that I can go further than I reached last time. So this one I just ended was no differed. Yet, it is always an exhausting journey that sometimes lives very little time for doing something else that you would love to do.

I love the project I have just finished yet it left not a much free time for my personal errands as well as for Steemit. So my activity here was inconsistent and I ended up just reading and uprooting when I had a chance to do it. At the same time it was so great seeing in all the rare occasions I was present on Steemit how it is evolving - @ecotrain is growing and I hope I will have a chance to get to know all the new passengers very soon, @eco-alex launch a new well-purposed bot and even moved from India. Although I was off Steemit and all the fantastic people I met here somehow your all were always present in my daily routine. I remember organizing a part of the venue we had our event with trees and floras and thinking of lovely @mountainjewel and @sagescrub. @solarsupermama with her motivational articles about Jesla, the Mummy and @sharoonyasir with her always so positive articles sometimes made my day so bright forcing me to forget about all the troubles I had during the day and smile knowing that all is going to be all right.
Sitting here and writing this article feels like coming home and it is definitely something I have been dreaming for ages.
There is simple thought in my mind:
that sometimes you need this solitude, to go off your bitten track, to reflect on what just ended and what awaits you ahead
so I am really happy that I finally have time on my own with no need to go somewhere, to check e-mails and solve issues. I believe ever since I came down from the mountain slope in a rural part of Russia this January, I have never forgotten to remember the lesson it toughs me - there is always something new waits you and you just need to make the first step to get it. My step was a well-prolonged one. Each time I would finish a project like one I did now I would think that this is it - this is the time to stop. But I have never actually stopped finding different reasons to keep going.
When your new life experience knocks just right at your door...
I would say I did not plan it go this way but somehow Life again has brought me to the point where I knew I have to do it. Now or it will go on and on and on.. So I decided that to finally face the changes that were knocking my door. Yep, this time I guess even a deaf person would "hear" it%)) My grandmother used to say:
" if you do not listen to the signs the Life sends you, you still can't trick it, they are there for you. Life would always find the better way than the one you think".
My grandmother was a very wise woman and I regret that sometimes I tend to forget that simple wisdom. As my life shows there is a kind of magic exist and you will be reminded when the time is right.
My solitude from Steemit coincides with very hard yet fruitful period of my life where all the old projects were ending and I did not have any intention to start any new ones. I believe we all have this that they call it "six sense" when you knew that something is about to happen. My goal (at least what I thought was my goal) was to settle down and make a new turn in my life… First of all, my plan was to stop traveling as much as I did during last 2 years. I love traveling but then it became your life, then at a certain point, you would seek for a harbor to settle down ( at least for a while%). Second, I really wanted to stop my event-organizing activities as it certain point you feel that it is becoming more a struggle than the joy you have once experienced and liked. Third, I wanted to find a new direction in my life...
Hehe, where is a wish, when it comes…
Next destination: Becoming a MUM
HERE I AM sitting alone in my new home and thinking what this is another turning point in my life. Even I did not intend to start any new projects in my life it came on its own. I think this is going to be the biggest project I have ever done and this one surely does have any agenda or timeline.
One of the happiest moments of last month was a discovery that I am pregnant and I would be a mum in November. Do not get me wrong, my husband and I have been planning to have a baby and we constantly were seeing certain signs that the time is coming. Yet I just did not expect it to be manifested so soon. At the same time, I believe that there is always the right time for everything and I trust the Universe with it.
So my plan for next months - enjoy my Life, just exploring a new state I am in.
Possibly to start doing things I have been dreaming to do within last few years but never found time to do - start painting again, finally finish my journalism course and voice training. I think there are so many things I can do and settling in Prague obviously was one of the best choices I have ever made as it so “resonate” with a lot in this particular period of my life.
I do not know what else I would do but I am sure all the answers will come at the right time%)).
One thing for sure - I am planning to spend more time on Steemit with lots and lots of great read and (hopefully) more articles. So stay tuned.

ooooooooh * * * congrats Sasha!!!! i am so excited for you! so thankful to see a word from you and to hear this fantastic news that just feels so right! you will be a fantastic mom! excited to read along as your new journey unfolds in your new place. wishing you love and hugs and all the best from the Ozarks. congrats! <3 <3 <3 ~wren & ini
Thank you, guys! I really thought about you a lot as we had part of our event dedicated to sustainable farming and each time I came there the thoughts about you would always apear%) I love reading your articles and my next big dream is finding a plot of land to come back to farming and be able to use in practice all the pieces of advice I read from you%) Hehe%) One goal at a time%) I send you my love and hugs too!

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Welcome back Beautiful Sasha, eco-train has not been the same with out you, I have missed your positivity and your light. You needed to take this time, it is good to listen when our bodies talk to us, so many of us do not, I am so excited about you becoming a mother, I know that you will be such a caring and loving one. I look forward to connecting more with you on here, lots of love sister xxx
oh, my dear sister, @trucklife-family. You are a true light yourself and you can't even imagine how your articles and poetry inspired me! First of all thanks to you, I know soooooo much about natural birth and how to avoid all the unnecessary things to my future child! I believe that thanks to you and what you do here I am so confident to give birth the way I want it, not the way others tell me! You are my inspiration and I hope more and more women will listen to the wisdom that you constantly share with us and make the right choices! I remember one day was absolutely awful as I had a very bad experience with my doctor here and I was so sad about it but there was your article again and I knew that I am right in choosing my way. So I just want you to know how important is what you do and if it helped one woman (me) it can help many more! So please continue! My love to you is boundless and I really can't find enough words to say "thank you" to you, so there is as always an image straight from my heart.

Collage by @sashagenji. Eligible to re-use. Original images are from Pixabay under CCO Creative Commons.
"give birth the way I want it, not the way others tell me"
Please keep in mind the baby will have some say in this! I say this only to flag the possibility that we are not always in control (and I think, nor should we be) of everything. Wishing you well.
Hey, @isabeldorastorey. Nice meeting you. Yes, I agree with you totally - we not always have a control on everything and yes, baby definitely have a say in all of it first of all! I am happy to meet such a determined person as you are who at 78 years old is pursuing her dreams and learning new things! I admire you for this!

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Happy to see ur back sasha!!! Pheph. And huge congratulations on the new baby to come! Wow so many changes for u! Xxx
Hehe%) So many changes for you as well%) It seems we have lots of things in common%)) You know how I admire what you do here on Steemit and in your life and whenever I will be or what I will be doing, one things for sure - my support to you and @ecotrain will remain the same! Big hugs from Prague and hope you are also enjoying your new home!

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Congratulations on the wonderful news! Everyone needs a safe harbor at some point our lives...and it sounds like this one couldn't have come during better time! Looking forward to reading your new articles... :D
Also stopping by to say that you have been featured and curated for MSP Community Curation: Top Five 'Positive PAL Posts' - Week #21
Congratulations with the new life growing inside of you! What a nice surprise :-) Clara
Clara, thank you, dear! I love your new blog! Much love as always! You are one of the greatest inspirations to me what does meant to be a Woman%)
The artwork by @sashagenji. Eligible for re-use. Some parts of the artwork are from Pixabay under CCO Creative Commons
Ahahaha! :-) Yes they do!
Congratulations. Becoming a mom was the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so grateful for it every day. It is the hardest and the most wonderful and a love that is absolutely unmatched. I'm so very happy for you!
Oh, my lovely @solarsupermama. You are indeed an inspiration for me! Yes, I agree that having kids is most wonderful experience is to have in your life. I have much to learn yet but thanks to people like you I have a good example to follow%) Love you and sending you and your big family big hugs!

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You're gonna be an amazing mom, and you're gonna have so much fun. Always good to learn from those who've gone before you but more important to follow your intuition. Hooray for magical journeys!
This is the reason I love sticking around you - the wisdom in every word! Yes, I believe everyone is different and kids are so unique that you have to trust your inner voice and intuition to help them and of course you can learn a lot from them - they are such great teachers! I am so excited I am funny on the way%)) Much love, dear, to all of your family%))
Much love to you and that amazing and magical baby too!!
First let me say Congratulations!!!! I am happy for you. I am kinda new to Steemit and am very interested in ecotrain. What is it?
Hey @bethvalverde and nice meeting you here on Steemit! I hope your journey will be a pleasant one. #ecotrain is a community of people here on Steemit that want to make a world a better place. We all live in different countries and have different interests - you will find artists, homesteaders, vegan cooks, passionate writers ..... among us. But most important is that we love that we do and advocate for peoples happiness and efforts to make a world a bit a better place - you can check #ecotrain as well as ecoTrain Discord to meet some of us. We also try to help minnows like you so they have more motivation here%) I am wishing you the very best in your journey here on Steemit and in your life with your 2 wonderful daughters!
The artwork by @sashagenji. Eligible for re-use. Some parts of the artwork are from Pixabay under CCO Creative Commons
Thank you so much. I am looking forward to meeting more people in the ecotrain community and maybe I can make a small difference.
Thank you so much. I am looking forward to meeting more people in the # ecotrain community and maybe I can make a small difference.
We all can%) At least a small ones%) Much love and hope you will find like-minded people here on Steemit - I believe they make your journey super exciting %)
What a wonderful time in your life; thanks for sharing it with us.
Congratulations, so many changes the largest being motherhood on its way.
I'm also biased in my joy for you as I am a November baby, and I can say that we are precious darlings ;) And have a sense of humour too.
I found you thanks to @creativesoul
Hey @donnadavisart, I am so honored to meet you on my blog! I really love to connect to artist on Steemit and you are one of a kind definitely!! I am absolutely in love with your Singularity Series - this is beyond my imagination and sparked an idea of a fiction story in my head that can unite all of them%)) If you do not mind I would love to write it and use your art ( obviously with providing permissions to your account and web-page). I love collaborations of any kind and hope you do too. I wish you all the best and would look for new updates on your blog!

The artwork by @sashagenji. Eligible for re-use. Some parts of the artwork are from Pixabay under CCO Creative Commons
Congratulations!!! Im also on the train but we havent met. Looking forward to reading more about your journey into motherhood... how thrilling for you both! 💗💗💗💗
Hey, @riverflows. Nice meeting you! I always love reading #ecotrain passengers articles - for me, it is the sign of quality and definitely something that helps make a word a better place! So I am heading straight to your profile to get to know you better!

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