My family and I are on a similar journey, currently at the 'chocolate eating' vegan stage, taking one day at a time. We have a desire to rely more on nature rather than processed, which is not always easy especially when traveling. As a race we need to re-connect with our environment, keep earthed, in touch with water and fire for our imaginations. Some are distracted from the these elements by the mechanisms of those who seek to control us, but I do believe there is an awakening happening which gives me hope for my daughter's generation. Be happy & keep smiling my friends!
thank you @lumpa, it can be hard when you are traveling, my kids are bid lovers of fruit so that is such a staple for us and I try and do green juices regularly too. I agree there is an awakening and it's good to be part of it xx
Luckily our daughter (Ricki) is a fruit monster, it's Mum n Dad who still have old bad habits! Can I ask @trucklife-family do you fund your travels by working online? And if so how are you staying connected to the web? We're just preparing to relocate to Andalusia, but also thinking we may just go for the van option around europe, but as online English teachers we need a reliable connection for skype. Any advice please? :)
Hey we had a dongle for a while when we were travelling and then 3g, we've been in Spain a bit now, so we have internet connection here no problems. We also have one of these :

to pick up wifi over long distance.
My partner plays music so his busking was our sole income for a while we would also do food at festivals and seasonal work as well, grapes etc. Another time we got work helping build yurts, might do a post about it. But it is amazing what comes your way when you are on the road. I say travel but thats cos I've got itchy feet to get out there again. Hope this is helpful xx
Thank you so much! @trucklife-family really helpful info. The last time we were living in a van was 2006 in Australia and getting wi-fi into the van in those days was a nightmare....I think you 'may' have just brought us closer to hitting the roads again, as a family this time x x x
your welcome, yeah hit the road x