You Cannot Escape a Prison If You Don't Know You Are in One
Do you see that lovely blue sea outside those bars? Wouldn't you love to take a swim, or walk along the coast admiring the view?
What is stopping you?
Are the bars real, or in your mind?
"You Cannot Escape a Prison If You Don't Know You Are in One"
This phrase should really make anyone who reads it think and question it...
It is likely that you will at first think I'm not in a prison, and you might think that I'm babbling, but please do read on...
The world is full of limitless opportunities. What is stopping you from grabbing all the ones that have your name on it?
Are you asking what opportunities? Where are they?
Your mind can be your prison.
For one, you are on Steemit, this is one huge opportunity in itself - to explore creative avenues, learn new things, watch what other people are doing if you like.
Do you think you have nothing to offer?
Think again, every last one of us is valuable and has something to offer the world, we just need to open up our eyes to see it.
It could be your art, your words, your inspiration, your compassion, your advice, your opinion and we all have one of those.
Life is about grabbing the opportunities to make it meaningful, but if we are locked up somewhere inside our brains, then we are not experiencing what life should be.
The world is changing.
People are realizing that their freedom is not tied to the societal expectations (another prison), but it is to do what is in their hearts and minds.
We just need to take time to listen and realize our dreams.
The opportunities are endless.
The comfort zone can be a prison.
That comfy sofa and engrossing tv show, or outrageous reality show are escapes, but escapes from what could be.
I'm not saying don't watch anything, but please don't make that your life every evening for the rest of your days, unless that is what makes you happy of course.
There is so much potential in you, set it free and discover how the world opens up for you when you step outside that prison.
Sometimes it seems like that we have created our own prison, by building houses with 4 walls and picket fences. We put ourselves in these prisons and nothing else matters outside these 4 walls.
We are human and we are intelligent, let's not let technology and modern life put a dampener on all we could be.
Instead, let's rock the world with ripples and find the opportunities with our names on.
Here is the key, take it...
With <3 @hopehuggs
Thanks to Pixabay for the pictures :)
A Key to Freedom?

This is so true! Luckily living here made me overcome the obstacles and get out the comfort zone, now I'm struggling with strong depression, (something I never expected to happen I even thought it didn't exist or people were exaggerating), however, excuses are never an option, someone I admire once told me "you are not a tree, move on while you can!" and that's my philosophy of life now; it doesn't matter how difficult is the obstacle, the key is to keep moving and to keep doing things, specially never underestimate yourself.
Thank you for your inspiring words. They are of great help to feel motivated, specially in the hard times.
Un abrazo!
I love that too, thank you for sharing.
@hopehuggs, this post is one that can just trigger someone to stop dreaming but to start doing. Quite motivational, as I write you really has spurred me to pick up the key to contribute my quarter cos everyone has something to contribute just like you said.
I write these to motivate myself too, I know I have something to offer, but sometimes life just puts you in the wrong mindframe and you need to get back to the right place.
Absolutely correct. Nice post. Copied
Thank you Sam.
Comfort and the need to conform and be accepted are anathemas to creative living.
Get too comfortable and fear kicks in.
Be conscious of the good opinion of others and fear kicks in.
Suddenly a person has a million reasons, (bars), why not to!
Great post.
Absolutely, we shouldn't let what others think dicate the way we live our lives. I try hard on this front, but do still consider the opinion of my parents too much sometimes.
Wonderful motivation post you have shared with us all great thoughts in that :)
Writing them gives me a kick up the butt too :)
This is a great post that highlights how much we can trap ourselves by our own boundaries without even realizing it.
This is so true and resonates with me a lot. I used to find it hard to believe in myself and never really knew if I was good enough for many of the things I wanted to participate in, so I wouldn't try. Slowly learning to change that though.
Thank you for writing this 😊😊❤
It is hard to believe in yourself.
I had someone constantly in my ear making me feel unworthy for too long and am finding it easier to believe in myself now.
Life is definitely a long learning process <3
I can totally relate to you. Time heals aĺl wounds, and I really admire you. Look at how much you've achieved already. Sometimes people will belittle us because it makes them feel better about themselves. They do it as a way of controlling and manipulating. Those are the people we need to avoid.
The hardest prison is in the mind. Some people get this programing that tells them what their limits are. And like you stated, @hopehuggs: Unless he or she is happy, then that's not gonna feel like a prison.
But for those who feels like chained, I think we at least have to consider the possibilities that life offers us.
We create our own prisons, but as long as we have open minds that is key.
A life long way of thinking can put us in a cage that is hard to get out off, or how we were 'taught' to behave at home or school can take a long time to undo.
A serious mind opener this post is... Our minds can be a prison for us. If your thoughts are limited or constrained in societal norms and standards. Then, you're unconsciously behind bars.
We should learn to see the world from every perspectives, try out new things, never be scared to fail, instead we should be scared of regrets of not trying.
"emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds".
-Bob Marley
Exactly, I don't want to be on my death bed with too many regrets, I aim for just the knowledge that I tried my best.
Amen @hopehuggs! Excellent post that hopefully will make folks think!
I hope to make people think. Life is short, we need to make the most of what we have.