6 plastic rings that are located on the inside of the lid.
1 plastic bottle.
Scraps of tissue paper.
3 tall sticks.
Decorative stones.
1 silicone gun.
1 steel nail
Paints to the cold: green, red, golden, blue.

Step 1:
Very carefully and using a hot nail, we drill 9 caps on both sides, as shown in the following image.
Step 2:
We present the flower and define how many petals it will take (tapas).
Step 3:
We proceed to paint the covers of each flower, with the colors of our preference.
Step 4:
Let the lids dry, about 3 hours.
Step 5:
We lined the sticks with tissue paper and placed the main covers.

Step 6:
With great care not to burn we use the silicone gun, we paste the remaining caps in what represents the center of the flower.
Step 7:
That's how our flowers are armed.
Step 8:
Later we proceed to place the leaves of the stem with the internal plastic that brings the lid and we hold it with a very thin wire or with thread, it depends on your preference, and with this we finish the flower.
Step 9:
We cut a plastic bottle in half.
Step 10:
With the help of the youngest of the house we proceed to fill the container with decorative stones and finally we place our beautiful flowers.
Step 11:
Finally we put our beautiful flowers in the container.

The material we used to make this flower arrangement was plastic, which takes more than 150 years to degrade and almost 1000 years if it remains buried, which contaminates our environment, and what better way to reuse it than applying creativity.
On this occasion I had the support of one of my favorite helpers: My niece Nathalia, who was very excited helping me and providing creative ideas to develop our first craft project.
Encourage yourself to do it, it's super easy and economical to do it; without forgetting to mention that it allows us to decorate or decorate any space of our preference, generating harmony in the place.
See you in the next project... Regards ...