Welcome to this introduction video and post! The aim of this meditation workshop is to help us heal our blockchain wounds, and let go and even grieve the loss of Steem and our community as we knew it. We want to bring positivity and abundance to Hive and make our community and family stronger than ever.
@ecoTrain @eco-alex and @ianperic have collaborated to bring you this multi part workshop.. tailor made for US! Ian is very experienced in this field, and we are very lucky that he has agreed to spend so much time helping to create these videos and help us all to move on. THANK YOU IAN!
It's worth noting that in these amazing times, these workshops are also very relevant to moving on in general. Many of us face great changes in life due to COVID, and letting go is a powerful and vital first step to improving our lives and moving on.
A rough idea of the videos we will present are below. We aim to release one video a week, and encourage you to watch and engage yourself with it. Ian is sharing techniques and wisdom that i believe are needed to help us to reclaim parts of ourselves that we may have left behind in the drama.
Video 1:
Overview: Steem & Hive - Moving On Meditation ~10-15 mins
- Settling in and space setting - feeling comfortable to feel.
- Notice what we feel in this moment around the split? Just allow that.
- What are we carrying and what is still being achieved by that?... Diving into the core motives in a friendly, potentially forgiving and self loving way. Is this something that we want to keep feeding and feeling?
- How does the resistance feel? Is it showing you some boundaries that are needed to feel respected and safe? Are these already in place? Do they need action? Do they need more clarity?
- What would a future without these resistance feel like? Can you let the resistance go? This can be humbling and feel vulnerable.
- Can you wish everyone well and focus on what you'd like to create?
- How would you like to live? What are you for? What would a passionate powerful way forward on the new platform feel like? How would you like to collaborate and celebrate this? Allow this state to ripple through you. Relax into it and allow it to flow.
- Feel stability of our seat and this state growing and blossoming from that.
- Allow ourselves to surf this state into the day
Video 2:
Overview: Steem & Hive - Cutting the ties that bind ~10-15 mins
- Overview of the process
- Some shaking and settling in - feeling into the body
- Leaning heart forward into your flow, your best case scenario, your sustainable flourishing and expressed passions
- Notice if there are any holding back from this, any sticky motives that aren't win/wins just sit with those and feel the tension between freedom and restraint. You might notice some motivations behind them. Are they beneficial and productive?
- One at a time identify them, feel them, notice what they have taught you and the new way that releasing them can open things up, thank them then cut them loose, release them, break free.
- Move and flow, explore the new state, relaxed, graceful flow, celebrate the new you.
- Thank all and dance this state into the day
Video 3:
Overview: Steem & Hive - Loving ourselves enough to move on - Meditation~10-15 mins
- An introduction to this process.
- Finding direction, clarifying what we "really" want to step into. Something that we can wish everyone well from
- Aligning with the heart, a celebration of life from a place of gratitude and grace, what actions, relations and celebrations would this have? Genuine happiness, what would be an example of genuine happiness, to Children, to others, to yourself.
- Pulsing the breath as we open that out to all beings
- To those close to us
- To ourselves.
- Ride this into the day, remember how this feels, come back to it each day
Video 4:
Overview: Potentially a summary / well wishes closing video (~90 seconds)
Content / key scenes:
- Thank You for joining us on this adventure
- Give an overview of the content we've shared
- Invite people to share their next steps???
- Well wishes moving forward
I hope that gives you a good idea of what to expect! We will be posting each video to the ecoTrain community so be sure to Subscribe and check in on August 1st when we post our first video! Hope to see you there!
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