ecoTrain Magazine Jan 17th. Relax and let the great posts come to you! Check out this week's best posts.

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

What better way to take your mind off of the cryptocurrency prices then to read a good magazine!? We are here to save you from yourselves by distracting you with amazing and useful posts! The @ecoTrain is running on full Steem
and sharing some brilliant articles on an ever more diverse range of topics.

Since we now have 12 active passengers who are all posting several times a week, I am sharing the posts that brought most value to the community, as determined by engagement and up-votes. Every @ecoTrain post is like a destination to me, and this week the @ecoTrain has taken us on a Global Tour! Enjoy and have a beautiful day everyone!

Please click the titles below to see the entire post.



Change comes when we embrace the fact that we are adaptable.

When we allow ourselves to follow our instincts and help others along the way.

The world is changing, it is becoming more open. We are mixing, connecting with more and more people, allowing us to celebrate our similarities and differences in equal measure. We are now faced with this unique opportunity because of this global community we are part of, to come together and learn from our past. To really guide the future in the way we want to see it going!


Being a parent is a huge part of my life and it's a huge responsibility.

It's also something that most people have an opinion about. You can't seem to go out with your children without someone making a remark about their behaviour.

If your children are loud in public you get frowned at, whether they are having fun or upset because they are hungry. If your children are dirty, which mine are alot, some people see it as neglect.

I personally don't have any sugar in our home, and the response I have had from some people is that I am being mean. Suddenly strangers seem to know better than you about how your children should be raised. I've learned to ignore those comments, frowns and tuts.


"Any woman can be a mother, but not ever woman can be successful"

That was what I heard growing up, because in order to be really happy and succeed in life you had to have a career.

Why would you want to become a mum, it would mean the end of all your freedom and your dreams and anyone who had children early were seen as failures.

When I was younger I knew I would one day want to be a mother, but it was something I kept to myself. It was a time when all you heard, was how women fought so long and so hard in order for us to finally be able to have rights, to be seen as equals. How could any one girl want to go against that. So I grew up believing that women's rights were all about equality, being treated exactly the same as men, having the same privileges, getting the same pay. That women's rights were based around taking them way from the home and liberating them. As a teenager that all sounded so exciting, because why would any woman want to spend their time at home when they could be free.


Alternatives to School

I think it's becoming clear that schools are not really working. People want to talk about how Millenials are lazy or ruining the economy or whatever, but the fact of the matter is that school doesn't get you a job anymore. In this emerging economy, people need to be innovative, creative, responsible, self disciplined, and able to navigate ever changing waters. They need to be in tune enough with themselves to know their strengths, passions, and weaknesses. They need to know what motivates them. The ability to follow orders and recite facts are no longer helpful, if they ever were in the first place.

Time to Go Solar!

I love, love, like silly, gaga, over the top love, solar. How beautifully simple and elegant it is. The energy source that fuels all life on this planet can also power my house and my car. It's brilliant. I got really interested in solar when I was in college in the 90's. At that point, it actually was financially out of reach for almost everyone. I continued to assume that was the case, though I always knew that whenever I built my little earthen house, it would definitely be solar, no matter the cost.


How I cured my FUD in 15 minutes: The Path To Enlightenment Part 6 of 9

Good day to you all! How are you all feeling today? I woke up at around 07:30 this morning and checked the crypto markets at around 07:35, along with my cup of coffee and a smoke.. as i do most mornings lately. I'm don't know about you, but i started to worry the moment i saw the markets today, and pretty quickly I started to panic and start thinking that I better sell, and maybe everything is going to dump totally now, and maybe the whole thing is finished! I had read some mainstream media yesterday, and it seems they are very busy right now slamming crypto and reporting the news in a biased and fear mongering way, as they always do.

How To Protect Your Hardware Wallet Recovery Key (Ledger, Trezor) and Private Wallets (Exodus, Electrum etc) for $15 - A novel approach to securing your paper wallet and protecting the weakest link

Many people are now using hardware wallets as well as private wallets that are very secure (well they were until last week, now hardware wallets should be considered the safest way to hold cryptocurrency). The thing is, all of these options require you to keep a copy of your 12 word private key somewhere 'safe' so that in the event of you losing your device, or accidentally spilling coffee all over it, you can still access your cryptocurrency. Most people agree that in order to protect the security of a hardware wallet, it is pointless to store it on any computer or digital storage. Doing that opens up all the vulnerabilities that your super safe hardware wallet protects you from. This is also the case for any other kind of cryptocurrency wallet such as Electrum that require you hold a 12 word key for recovery.

THE EARTHSHIP HUT BUILD: DAYS 2-5. Why tyres make the ultimate eco-building material and how to build with them

Today I would like to explain just why Earthships work SO well, and give a bit more detail about building tyre walls. The first week or two of any small Earthship build is mostly concerned with tyre ramming and some void packing of the walls with mud. This knowledge is one of the most important aspects of Earthship construction in terms of an Earthships performance and durability. Luckily, building a house from tyres is WAY less technical and complected than any traditional brick and mortar build.

My New Vegan Pasta Recipe: Pasta With Roasted Aubergine & Capsicum in a Tahini Sauce and Fresh Garden Basil.

Sometimes running out of food is the best thing, because it's only then that I start mixing ingredients that I would not normally consider combining in one dish. A couple of days ago I was really hungry but was almost out of everything including tomatoes. I did have pasta, and two big aubergines, and there is always tahini on my shelf! So, suddenly the thought crossed my mind that pasta with roasted aubergine and tahini (also known as baba ganoush!) might be really tasty, and would for sure be a good hearty lunch. It was a quick and easy dish to prepare, with the roasting of the aubergine taking the longest. It is possible to fry aubergine to cook and soften it, but nothing compares to a well roasted aubergine with that slight charred flavor and incredible texture. Suffice is to say, it was REALLY good, and definitely something worth sharing with you all if you feel like trying something totally different in the pasta world.


Homestead Design: What To Do When You're First On The Land, Observation, Patterns & "Getting the Feel"

So you've just moved to your homestead, your new plot of land…

How do you decide where to put things or how to lay it out?


"Engaging your surroundings keeps it cycling back"

Watercress: A Complete Plant Profile of a Wondrous Pot Herb (with Video!)

"There is no better salad herb known to man", says Juilette de Bairacli Levy of watercress, Nasturtium officinale. Winter has kissed our homestead, as frozen soil crunches underfoot and life slumbers. This can be a darker and slower time for sure. This means a lot more time spent indoors and less plant activity. Being a plant person, this makes it tough. But today I visited a good friend and plant ally of mine, watercress.

What does Freedom Mean to Us?

@sagescrub invited us to answer this question in#freedomchallenge. The Contest goes til Friday so there is plenty of time for you to answer!

I'm excited to hear other people's responses as freedom likely means something different to each of us. I encourage you to give voice to your own current rendition of freedom!

We ask ourselves these questions surrounding freedom, they are food for thought,



RIP Rosa!

Today is the 99th memorial day of Germany`s most famous Rosa.

What Rosa Parks is to African Americans, Rosa Luxemburg is to the German radical left.
A prominent figure of the German revolution 1918-19, her ideas live on to inspire revolutionaries all over the world.
Especially Kurdish women of the Rojava revolution see her as a shining example of a female revolutionary, her work and ideas being as relevant today as a hundred years ago.

On January 15 in 1919, Rosa was murdered in Berlin by paramilitary Freikorps troops, World War I veterans sent by the Social Democratic government to destroy the left-wing revolution, her body thrown into Landwehrkanal, a canal in Berlin.

Is Iran Going To Be The Next “Asshole In The Wall Closet“?

OMG! Sunday, bloody Sunday!
Today I found a worm in my organic breakfast apple!

So, inspired by this metaphorical image of worms and rotten apples,
I today would like to try my hand at something I have never done before, geopolitics.
Always good to extend one´s comfort zone.

The term “asshole in the wall closet“ was created by German comedian Volker Pispers, so the German original is “Arschloch im Wandschrank“.
He was referring to the US strategy to always have a scapegoat, some dictator bad guy in some foreign country against whom they could start another war, up their sleeve.


Into the Woods Again... (No Internet Month Diary 2017 - Part 13. Conclusion )

The most powerful even I saw this year on facebook, which altered my perception the most dramatically was the 'Metoo' campaign, in which many women (actually the majority of women, it seemed) wrote 'me too' – attesting to the fact that they had experienced sexual harassment or abuse by men. Some went into details, telling their painful stories, others just wrote metoo – and that was enough. For anyone using facebook at the time, it was a dark and difficult few weeks, stirring up a lot of memories for a lot of people, and causing some very deep personal and societal introspection and a lot of discussion.


Batman & Jesus: Why do we fear debate?

This is the second article in the Batman & Jesus series. I was supposed to publish this quite earlier, but you know things happen and sometimes, not all goes according to plan. So after weeks of going through contingencies, here is the second in the series with the hope of more to come soon.

My Scar Stories- Reminders of Many Different Memories

I read a post on this topic by @byn sometime back and then by @hopehuggs. @Hopehuggs had created a beautiful piece on her scar stories that inspired @byn to do the same. Reading their stories made me understand the importance of our physical scars in our life and inspired me to write an account of my own scars.

So today, I’ll be talking about the different physical scars I have endured throughout my 29 years in this life and how each of them have impacted me.

A Letter to the Newbie Steemians

I have been on Steemit for a little over 5 months and the journey so far have been quite good. I have a reputation of 56.9 currently and a little over 300 SP. I have seen people do a lot better in the same and even less time than I have spent here and I am so happy for them, but that does not make me feel bad about myself and my accomplishments here. I haven't been able to devote my 100% time and effort here because of the many other obligations I have to attend to so I am fine with going slow and steady here and gradually improving and making money.


The Human Chakra system, a word of advice and warning.

Many people are gaining interest in the Mystical Wonders of the Human chakra system, but little do actually know what the Chakras are. Most think that they are some magical bubbles that have the power to mystically change our life experiences.

Now that is right, but viewing them as magical bubbles is only one simple way of perceiving them.

So let me share with you my point of view based on experience.

8 months 243 days 350+ articles One article per day, honest feedback. I gotta change things up !

Steemit is a wild place to be and a posting plan makes things easier. Honestly, I never expected to be able to sustain a one article per day posting regime for more than half a year.

I loved doing it at the beginning, then I hated it, then I loved it again.

What is your source of fulfillment? What makes you happy?

Nothing is impossible in life, yet there is always the question "is that what you want?". I've been asking myself this question for quite the time now and day by day things start stitching up.There are two sides of a book.


Natural Dyeing With Avocado Skins

Years ago a friend had been spending a lot of time in Nicaragua and he told me

that they get black dye from the avocado skins there. He knows I am a fiber artist and natural dyer and thought I might have heard of it. While I had not, I did embark on my own experimental journey to obtain this elusive black dye...

I haven't learned how to do so yet but what I have gotten is one of the most beautiful shades of gray/blue I've ever seen. My dye results have even ranged into peach and pink, depending on what pots and metals I used.

Sacred Seeds. Our Top 5 Favorite Seed Companies

It's that time of year folks! Snow's gettin' deep and the catalogs are rolling in...

As we anticipate the exciting growing season ahead I thought we would share with you our favorite seed companies and why we love them..... We order from these folks every year; who's your favorite? Please share in the comments below!



Saturday morning song for doing dishes

Hey there,

Where you also too lazy to do the dishes on your Friday night?
I watched 'Endless love' as I turned my Netflix back on after having a break for the Yuletide celebrations, a time for me to go inside. Oh my God it is so romantic. Makes me long for my Love on the other side of the world.
Anyway, at the end there is this hauntingly beautiful song. I found it on you-tube and listened to it this morning while doing the dishes. Too crazy beautiful not to share. So Enjoy!

'To the end of the earth.' by Lord Huron.

'Oh there's a river that winds on forever, I'm gonna to see where it leads...'

DIY bracelet with super thin, but strong elastic for beads with small holes.

Hi! How is your day? One of the things I did today was make this bracelet.
It has an elongated natural freshwater pearl as the eye catcher, combined with small tourmaline beads in all kinds of shades of green and teeny tiny hematite beads with their dark grey metallic shine and small goldfilled beads to give it a little sparkle here and there.

I did this Yo Qi routine this morning and it contributed to a nice day.


Feel like moving your body?
Try this to purge and tonify:
(Marissa does it so well! I like her!)


Birds On The Wire - Birding In Suriname - Season 2 / Episode 2

Don't we all want to be as free as a bird? I know that's for me one of the most important things in life. I remembered this song form Leonard Cohen when a couple of swallows landed on the electricity wire in front of our house. I never discussed any swallows, although there are many in Suriname. The reason is that they are either flying or sitting on wires and antennas. Which never gives a really nice picture.


LiveSustainably Competition - Reducing Plastic Consumption

Plastic reduction has been a goal of mine for a long time - since way before I saw the contest being run by @lxxivesustainably! That means I have a little bit of practice under my belt already! For this competition, I am going to show the dramatic changes I've made to my hygiene and beauty routine!


Supporting People Who Help
Make The World A Better Place

find previous ecoTrain magazines at @ecotrain





If you are new to Steemit, love to write, and would like to join the ecoTrain community as an official passenger please email me on [email protected]

** Click Here For More Information on the ecoTrain **





wonderful nature dear @eco-alex
i love your all #post dear,,, thank you for sharing
with us...

Image Source

keep it up...

Oh captain, my captain,
you forgot to mention the lovely @schoonercreek

you are proving to be a top notch conductor likedeeler! well caught!

thank you! ill ammend this!

Luckily I have read most, if not all of it already,
otherwise I would feel even more overwhelmed than I do right now.
Great stuff guys!
Or should I say gals since I think the ladies are in the majority now?
But, as in real life, as long as the driver, the conductor and all of the VIPs are guys,
all is well at the gender front. 😘

lol!! #ecotrain making up for inequality in real life! perpetuating it lol <3

It´s my nature said the scorpion to the frog, stang him and they both died in the pond.

He says out of range of smacking distance.

Hahahaha I love how you never stop to delight me @likedeeler

I love how diverse the @ecotrain is. There is always something for everyone and not to forget good quality stuff. Have gone through some of the articles already; going to read more.Tonight will be a happy reading night for me. :)

yeah great work everyone, I love being part of this great ecotrain community, I'm learning so much from everyone’s posts x

Lot's of great positive content! Thank you - that is one and only magazine I read ;)

Thanks for the mention alex <3.

Im amazed how much great content is getting published by the train ! Truly lovely <3

I've read just a few of those featured articles..and now I'm hooked. They're really good! I've been following one of your passengers, @kiaraantonoviche and I wonder why I thought of checking the ecotrain tag just now. Though, I find it hard to believe that you only have a few active members now, when you've started this ecotrain 5 months ago. I think it's such a great community to belong to.

The ecotrain is striving for greatness not for bigness. 😉
Its small size is by design.
In the meantime three more passengers have come on board so I think the train is pretty much full now.

So glad for this community. So much excellent content and so much love and support.