EcoTrain QOTW: How Open Are You About Your Emotions?
Much of who we become is imprinted in us when we are young, either through our environment or our own personal blue print (our astrological natal birth chart) My mother is prime example of an emotional Cancerian, this emotion that star sign cancers have is very touching but in the shadow aspects, a burden and when the emotion stands in the way of the person being able to live their life fully, there is a problem, I don't think it helped me much that she also had a scorpion moon and the ability to sting me with her emotional roller coaster personality made growing up around her difficult for me. My mother was very emotionally immature person, who would throw tantrums and let her emotions get the better of her for all the wrong reasons, she also suffered with depression and spent a lot of the day in bed.

As someone who feels others emotions quite easily, I always felt that her negative feelings were directed it at me and it didn't help some of the things she said to me like 'I wish you were never born!' would really make me feel emotionally wounded. I'm not trying to blame my mum for the emotions I feel now but I'm in no doubt that a lot of my own emotional immaturity and depressive tenancies as I was growing up were enhanced by these early memories and in combination with my own personal blue print

They say we choose the family we are born into, to learn important life lessons, funny that my father was the opposite who doesn't allow his emotions to get the better of him, it's not like he was cold or indifferent just that he would try to stay active and positive, he also doesn't like getting angry unlike my mum who would get angry at a drop of a hat, but if he gets pushed too far finally he would show his anger. These traits do very much correspond to his astrological sign that we both share, Taurus, being down to earth and placid, like a grazing cow until they get triggered and become a charging bull.

Of course I gravitated towards my fathers energy more (being more like my own) and Identified myself more with him than my mother when I was growing up. But unlike my father and more like my mother anger was something that came easily to me and I still find it most difficult to control it to this day. I'm very aware that my anger is of a different sort to my mother's which would make no sense to me, hers comes from a place of feeling and mine anger came from being 'fired' up due to having a hell of a lot of planets in the sign of Aires ruled by the planet mars (action, aggression, anger, and survival.)
I hear people say there is a good anger, but when I blow up, it's not good for me, okay we all will feel anger but it's how we use it and react to it that matters. As an angry youth I was extremely self destructive that would lead to my undoing time and time again. I would get in trouble at school, loose friends, loose jobs, piss my family off and basically alienate myself from the world at the same time needing friendships and connections, I try my best to hold on to my friendships but at some point there would be an argument of some sort that would lead to my separation from them.

I was harboring a lot of pain not just my own but all the pain I absorbed from the world around me. I never realized how sensitive I was, I considered my self hard, being a city child and instead of showing tears, I would start fights, or break my things, smoke cigarettes and generally misbehave but there came a point in my early twenties were I ended up crying a lot, it was something I needed to do and it felt a relief to release those emotions but I did it alone. It's interesting to note that during that time I was having two major Saturn transits the first being around 2009 - 2012 when Saturn transited my twelfth house (house of unconscious) and my ketu (south node) and then when it move into Scorpio and transited my first house (house of self) until 2015. At the beginning of this transit I experimented with a lot of drugs and some of the times were the best of my life because I could escape the person who I was, I was the life and soul of the party and would surround myself with many people and felt at the same time very lonely and suffered from serotonin fall outs when the party was over, which would make me cry like I said I kept my tears to myself.

I thought something was wrong with my personality, I thought I had bi-polar but when I started getting back into my childhood interest in astrology around 2013, I discovered I had a Gemini moon sign and a lot of stuff started making sense. Our moon sign represents our subconscious reality and can also be where some of our shadow aspects rear their ugly head. I had to learn how to love the two faces of my self and basically work on managing my the over-active, hyper active energy of my Gemini, switching between lows and highs faster than a blink of an eye

Becoming more conscious and aware of my emotions helped me to balance, being more active in my passions helps me to focus on the things I need to do rather than if I'm feeling sad or happy.
I noticed changing my diet worked wonders to subdue my restlessness, switching to a diet that's cruelty free, sugar free and caffeine free keeps me much more balanced. I really do think when we consume food that has come from a place of suffering we are consuming that energy and it also manifests in us, we absorb stress, we become stressed. I also noticed certain food like chili can make me blow up over tiny things. Doing simple meditations and breathing help to calm the mind, I also use weed from time to time, to chill out, I've no doubt it rewires your brain cells, so someone who's a control freak like myself can chill out. Focusing on the details and being a perfectionist can be really useful but focusing on too much can also make a person really stressed. Everything we do in this world is about finding a balance, including when it comes to our emotions, i don't think we can fully be in control of them but we can help them not to spiral out of control or be out of balance. Emotions are healthy and we need them for a reason, I think for basic survival purposes. but also emotions give us a richness to our experience of life and I really hate it when people say 'your being emotional' like emotions are a bad thing, because they are not, they are healthy normal and necessary!
Have you ever thought about how your astrological chart can make you more or less emotional? Or did you think about if what you eat could effect feeling anxiety or sadness.
Are you interested in having free chart reading to see where your trigger points are or a nutritional report of how food could help balance your emotions?
Drop a comment or DM on Discord
✌️Join the food revolution now✊

Everything affects us, we are receivers all the time. From the planets to our genes, there is much we have to deal with. In the end, we are the ones who decide and have the biggest say but learning about stuff and exploring ourselves and what influences us is a big help. Thank you for this lovely read. 💚
thank you, this is so true. We are made of star dust and the more that ppl understand they are connect with the heavenly bodies, i think the better off we would all be!
I have always associated my emotions to my zodiac sign and sometimes I really think I am a true Aquarius. However, I have never associated it as deep as you have done. Thanks for sharing and I am happy that you are aware of your emotions and their impact and can deal with them. However I really enjoyed that you raised the issue of diet and emotions and I think what you eat can determine your emotions.
Growing up as a kid, I liked eating rice and every day rice was cooked in our home, I was always very happy and made sure I did all my house chores and attended to every errand.
However, I will like to dig deeper on how food can affect emotions.
I love aquarius people, alot of my friends are aquarius and i gravitate towards them alot. some of the best most interesting and thought provoking conversations i have are with aquarius, also air sign like this are often better when they eat less and little snacks more often but then it may depend on your other signs. If you ever interested to know more about your astrology message me on discord or. one of my other account, links below,
Wonderful stuff again!! I am becoming slowly to accept (realiseing happened ages ago) that I will soon completely cut out coffee and possible emotional pain from animals when they died etc. Choosing my wording here for the future success!
I know how it effects us, Im not sure if it effects us only when we are aware and educated about it? (i think thats the case) and so as you know for sure that these things like coffee and added sugars are also making the "pain body" and ego be much more active and this keeps people in a cycle of suffering throughout life, until they get older and their diet changes with age.
Im well up for a reading!
so glad to hear u have almost cut out coffee and all the other stuff. When become more concious of what we consume, we are more aware of how our body react. By purifying you notice what triggers you, well at least thats how it worked for me. if you dont have discord, follow my accounts and message me there
Oh my god chart reading?? Yes please... wow really??
I love how you write this from the perpsectiv of your chart and star signs. As I as reading I could really relate to what you say. My husband is a double gemini - gee I'd love to know how food fits into his chart as he always has IBS like problems, FODMAP ETC. My son is a Taurus and Ive got taurus ascending so Ialways drew on Jarrah (sons) energy to counteract my libran/cancer emotional overloading. Your mohter seemed to do it tough - i have empathy for her and of course for you who didn't have the skills yet to deal with that craziness. It takes a while to understand all these things we suffer, doesn't it, and I love how the charts were a good self study exercise to undersetand what it all means. Thank god for your father's Taurean influence! I always wondered how my TaurusAquariaus boy put up with my emotions but i always explained them to him in a rational way - maybe not during, but certainl after. The logic of that seemed to work with him. He is pretty bloody grounded, thankgood.
I love a Gemini - and a gemni moon - wow. Taurus/Gemini - my favurite favourite people!!!
Absolutely - they are, but gee, it wasn't easy on us hearing this growing up xx
haha that's so interesting! about your taurus sun, I think my mum also uses me as much as she can for my practicalities and my honesty and im grounding, we are in a better place now but shes still very emotional. My dad is actually a taurus/aquarius too and I love aquarius ppl but love alot of the signs for different reasons, but some are easier for me than others for sure!
please feel free to follow my other accounts, im working on ur chart over the next days, be in touch.
Ah you are so lovely thanks. Wow your Dad is Aquarius Taurus too!!!! Its also really interesting how your other signs will come out at different times and how you meet/connect to those with particular expressions of signs in their chart or not get along as the case may be. Did you formally study astrology? I find it so interesting!
no they are not into this stuff at all, i started getting interested in it when I was about 11, just the sun signs, and kept using them until i was about 15 but after that I didn't consider it as much but i always knew what my friends were. I've always gravitated towards leo people too and some of my closest friends (mainly girls) were leo (as its my 10th house, makes sense) and im more friends with Aquarius boy (who mostly happen to be gay)
awesome post @celestialcow.. and thank you for being so open and sharing.. because that is how we can relate to you and also learn and improve ourselves..
i have sent a bid to upvote this post from le ecotrain .. it will come soon! <3
Thank you ecotrain for upvoting this post
Thank you for being so honest and sharing yourself in this way @celestialcow. I relate so much to your childhood (my mother was also very immature emotionally), your journey into astrology and learning more about your personality and patterns over the years. Your openness really inspires me.
My fiance is a Virgo sun, mars, and venus with Taurus moon. I love, love, LOVE earth energy people... they really ground my Libra/Scorpio energies.
I would love to take you up on your offer for a free chart reading! That is so kind of you. Really, really looking forward to it. Xx
im really glad you appreciate my openess and honesty, i dont always let it all hang out here, but as we were talking about emotions well there was no other way, a little more realness in the world would go along way!
if you have discord message me there or add me on the links below and drop me a message
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