As you requested, I leave a comment concerning the downvote.
I think it's appropriate to flag posts/comments that deny well-established scientific or historical facts, examples include Holocaust denial (see also here), Climate science denial (see also here), Flat eath etc.
Also, I prefer to avoid discussions with deniers about the topics of their denialism, because it gives the impression that there is a debate where in fact there is no debate. And it's not worth my time to debunk the denier's arguments that have already been debunked hundreds of times before. While some deniers are just victims of disinformation, lack education or intelligence, or suffer from some mental condition, others do it to further a political agenda, for the purpose of trolling or for profit.
THX bloom! You are 100% right!
i should really say though that debate and dialouge is very important no matter what.. we should ALWAYS be open to discussing things because no one knows for sure anything..
I even gave people the space to explain their flat earth theory to me.. of course there was virtually NO chance that they are right, but i gave them space to state their case..
NO one knows anything 100%, nothing in life is certain.. and on an issue regarding climate change that is most certainly the case. The solutions presented of TAXing everyone to solve this is total nonesense, and a GREAT red flag..
I'm assuming you are smart enough to not trust our political system or leaders.
so i QUESTION everything, especially when it stinks!
I posted a sort of poem today that explains this a bit better.
Id invite you to read it but you'll probably flag that as well.. and id rather you didn't if you dont mind!
"I'm assuming you are smart enough to not trust our political system or leaders"
@bloom is downvoting everything with a meme and humor in on my blog for the last 2 days.!
(any upvoting appreciated.)
Thats weird! Whats wrong with humour?
If it's satirical and anti left - they lose it!
And I mean totally lose it!
Mental illness in full flight... lol
But you are not communist!
This gets funnier - one following...
this is someone i pissed off - it downvotes everything i post - but it's
not like @bloom -
that hurts more !
A very special account...
A species, combined of both extreme stupidity, inherent ugliness, and evil fashioned around stalin (his hero)
Just like stalin, he only allows photo's of himself when he's shown at his best and most intelligent...
( a ginger in denial?) ..explains a lot....
Fair enough! Although id say there is a good debate go be had, but lets not have it, indeed!!!
Thanks for responding!
I'm getting notifications you are messaging me on, but I don't log in there for some security reasons.
You can catch me in discord or discuss it here. I welcome the conversation.
I like to encourage free speech and I also love those who flag.
Mixed feelings, but I want people to be able to discuss what they like.
If you disagree, make a real point. Do not silence. And you have to say more than.. science... Unless you can specifically name the studies you are referencing.
here is the source:
Okay, what was your favorite study? Did you question any of the data or how it was compiled? Who financed the study? Who paid to publish it and what was the process for peer review. Where is the publication of the criticism of the study?
My point is... Why not just speak to the issue and the results you believe in instead of pretending the discussion has to end because there is a study.
A study proved it... Is not the end of any discussion and any scientist will agree. The conversation goes on, the data is questioned. There is no legitimate time to say this can no longer be discussed. If the points are solid convince people, don't tell them they are not allowed to discuss it. Sheesh.
hi whatsup. Thx for your reply. If you look at my other posts here you can see that I totally agree in regards to discussion culture...
And yes, I could also write everything down here... but as the discussion and the scientific work already has been done by climate scientists at a much higher level that I could do - and I believe we here on steemit in general can do - as I am not a climate scientist that did actual research in this field - and I guess I did not encounter any here on steemit yet - I think it is prudent to link this site.
This was actually made as a kind of referencing site to the biggest climate studies that people who have doubts inferred by those bold claims of the climate change sceptics can easily double check.
So it is not one scientific study referring to, it is a whole catalog of more or less all studies and the current scientific knowledge in general I am referring to.. so I believe using the link in they way I do is the quickest and most convincing way to proof my point.
Sure solarwarrior that makes sense. I guess my comment was not directed at you, it was actually more to bloom, who was justifying flagging,..... Because he disagrees. Although no one can stop him from doing that. I have very little respect for the concept of trying to stop people from discussing a topic.
Anyway, carry on... You are doing just fine! :)
I really have to say I am amazed how fair and friendly disputes like this are handled here on steemit.
A big thank you to everybody contributing. For me this kind of discussion really shows the value of steemit as I assume that if we would discuss this on FB or somewhere else content and manners would be 95% less.
In regards to flagging:
I actually can see both sides. Flagging in general is a highly sensitive issue, while some see it as a regular tool, others see it as offense.
I can't speak for bloom and I have not yet read too much of his content and comments here on steemit (what I definitely intend to do) to allow myself an opinion yet. However I can tell you that if you are really burning in your heart for clean energy, and if you want to change to world a tiny bit in the right direction by your own actions you can be highly frustrated (at least in my point of view) if you have to see Greeg Braden's work here at a place where you would expect it the least.
Having said this I might even have to be thankful for this as this was upsetting me so much that I startet the fruitful discussions with alex and you here and got aware of bloom and his content...
I highly appreciate that actually some people used my link and read on that site a bit.. how much more could I ask for. If you stay to your opinion I am not happy but fine with it, for me it is important to have contributed to show that side of the equation.
I actually do not believe in Global Warming the way it is presented, and if you dig... You will find many credible sources debating the topic and questioning the science, which in my mind is a beautiful thing.
Before you get upset with me let me tell you this... Global Warming or Man Caused Climate Change is politized and thus a fighting point. I hate the way it is debated and much of the topic.
However, if you take politics out of it what I think we could all agree on is Clean Energy would benefit us all. What really upsets me is pollution and dirty water, Nuclear Waste, I'm not very happy about fracking ...
So while we might disagree on a few things I bet we could find many, many topics to agree on.
In fact if we talked about it long enough, we would probably find we have way more places where we agree than disagree, but the media and the way the topic is approached has moved the conversation to disagreement instead.
This is why I want people to discuss topics they are interested in and look for solutions and places of agreement.
In anycase we probably hold some different views on Flagging as well, if you are using your stake to reward good content, flag content you think is harmful and participating, I love that!
It was nice to meet you. I've followed you, because you seem reasonable and passionate!
100% agreement:
Clean Energy would benefit us all. What really upsets me is pollution and dirty water, Nuclear Waste, I'm not very happy about fracking
and thank you for your kind compliment
Bloom seems to be either a mainstream remote controlled sheeple or just a paid gatekeeper shill refering to senseless debunker sites who came up when people started to question the official idiocrazy. There is a doku where ONLY real experts speak, not Al Gore with some funky graphs pushing his agenda. The film is called "the global warming swindle"
What a close-minded, unscientific and dogmatic way to conduct yourself. You do a detriment to a "free speech, decentralized platform" by suppressing viewpoints that don't match your own. Talk about having an agenda. Sad.