The idea that this is A truth? I think there are always many truths... I learn this more and more in Asia in a heart-centred, multi-faceted way as people don't so much have the need to force their version of anything on anyone. If there is not one truth, what happens to the idea of a lie??
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Yeah, It's kind of philosophical and it is very interesting. We can consider that each person has his reality, his truth and way of seeing things and it is perfectly valid.
In the same way we can say that science teaches us "The Truth", a truth that we effectively create.
We can even see the examples of different calendars that humanity has created, each culture and civilization had their realities and their truths.
However when we enter the realm of what can be "objectively true" or proven with "universal" facts it is another thing. For example, the situation in Africa is precarious, this is something objectively true and which no one can object to in a serious way.
Thank you for commenting Artemis!