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RE: ECONOTRAVEL: How I only spent $20 in my first 41 nights in Hawaii and LOVED it!

in #econotravel9 years ago

@anotherjoe The reply option isn't appearing on your comment. Great words, I agree that I would like a doctor or and engineer to have a proper education. My grandparents remember how there used to be an abundance of trade schools sponsored by corporations like Ford Motor Company that would give a practical education producing opportunities to make a decent living. I am happy to see the emergence of that today with some new solar companies. As for myself, I am fortunate to work at home and share every minute with my child!
As for teaching I alway find I learn the most about what I am working on when I try to teach someone something. If you can't explain it simple enough for everyone to understand you must not understand it yourself.


Yeah, reply stops working when it gets this far into levels. I just use the next available one above.
That's awesome that you can be at home. I was able to be home a lot too, which, to me, was priceless. I could have made more money, but I wanted to be home with the family, doing stuff, spending time with the boys, etc.
Teaching - it's not just when you purpose to teach. It's that you ARE teaching, no matter what. What did you do at that moment? How did you react? What words did you choose? How did you speak about that person?
Without recognizing it, we can sometimes fail to realize how much we're influencing the little ones. Well, we're influencing everyone around us. And it's much more influential than we realize. People watch and emulate, or at least assimilate, without realizing it. Some folks have learned how to manipulate others through this. It is, at least, something to be cognizant of so we can bless those around us in ways they may never know.

@anotherjoe and @tralawar I really enjoyed your comment thread.