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in #economy7 years ago

Its brilliant of the NWO to roll-out cryptocurrencies from the ground up, pretending that banks and governments are skeptical of them, while secretly planning to make them the infrastructure of their long-sought global socialist utopia. They are giving away free money, essentially, making us love the idea of trading in our fiat for digital tokens, and prepping us for Universal Basic Income. Im glad you guys can see this and articulate it so clearly. Ive been meaning to write an article saying the same things, and tying it all into Bible prophecy, but now I can cite this interview and save half the effort.

Revelation 13:16-17, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

That prophecy is talking about global control over all buying and selling, and therefore it must be talking about blockchain technology, IMO.


This has all been planned and you can see it already in the symbolism that many of the cryptos are using in their logos. Listen again to Liz Crokin. She knows the game. She points out the symbolism that the Luciferians use and that you can use this symbolism to identify them. At least 50% of the major crypto projects are using this type of Luciferian symbolism. Let's take EOS as just one example.

I've written another post sometime back about EOS and the naming and branding of EOS by Block One makes me very suspicious. I have been studying occult symbolism for a long time because those in power are almost always involved in secret societies that use very specific symbolism to advertise their plans and control. They almost always give us hints to their agendas in symbols rather than words.

Eos is the Greek goddess of the Dawn and the mother of Lucifer, the morning star (a.k.a. Eos-phoros). This is a veiled reference to Lucifer worship that was used most prominently in late 1800s and early 1900s. (Have a look at another previous post here for more on this.) Just as an example of this, if you go to Newport, RI and see the handful of Vanderbilt and other Gilded Age mansions there that are open to the public, three of them have massive centerpiece murals of Eos on the ceiling. (They used her Roman name of Aurora.) Why? Because just like the Obama logo and tagline, they saw themselves as bringing in "the dawn of a new day." (BTW, Anderson Cooper is a Vanderbilt.. need I say more?) The Soviets used this symbolism very prominently as well since Lenin and Trotsky were Freemasons in Brooklyn before they headed over to start the "people's revolution" funded by the most powerful bankers in the world at that time.

I'm not saying that EOS is therefore absolutely not to be trusted, but I watch all the actions of the people that are involved in major initiatives and I can tell you that I don't like a number of things with Block One to date. This symbolism definitely concerns me as part of the story because it is by no means a mistake on their part. They know exactly what this symbolism means even if the vast majority of the uninitiated populace have no idea what it really means.