Redeclaration of Independence

in #economy7 years ago (edited)


Let it be known that this revolution and the following words are inspired by love for humanity. This document’s words are not guided by anger, but sponsored by a sincere desire to address the unfortunate current state of our beautiful union.

Intermittently in the course of human events it becomes necessary for a nation to dissolve their bonds with government for its treasonous failure to faithfully represent the citizenry to whom it has sworn to serve. This rebellion is our patriotic duty incumbent upon the free, enlightened and educated denizens of this country. For if we truly stand ready to defend and support our nation, then we must not defend, support or swear allegiance to our oppressors and aggressors. The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches are now representatives of private corporate personhood and its special interests. Our government no longer represents the will of the American people.

Blind allegiances to antiquated systems of governing are crimes against everything this exceptional nation represents. The Founding Fathers of America prescient words remain pertinent and impactful today. They created, “a living document that from time to time must be altered, amended or even completely abolished.”

Clearly, our Founders were brilliant, but they were also men who were limited by their own imaginations. Over two centuries ago Hamilton, Madison, and Jay knew the failings inherent in the document they defended so vigorously, and that is why they authored and publishing the Federalist Papers. The Founding Fathers acknowledged the inadequacies of the document produced by their own hands long ago. The documents must change to reflect the changing times.


We must know that the same aristocracy our ancestors originally rebelled against through the Revolutionary War now dominates these divided states of America. Whether or not intended, the Constitution of the United States of America has successfully established a despotic aristocracy ruling over the minds, hearts, and spirit of mankind. To prove this, let candid facts be submitted to a wonderfully brilliant but misguided people. Let us not close our collective eyes to these unambiguous and deplorable details:

The richest 20 percent of the population controls 84 percent of the wealth. To help us better understand the implications here, the 400 richest Americans have a higher net worth than that of the full bottom 50 percent of households. In 2017, half of the American population is approximately equal to 163,250,000 people. The 400 richest Americans have a higher net worth than 163 million of the poorest Americans. HALF of us! This is unacceptable. The middle class is disappearing. This is slavery, a new slavery of the American people to both the central and the too-big-to-fail banks. If you are in the bottom 50 percent you are charged 40 percent to borrow money. If you are a wealthy banker, you are charged nothing. This is a financial Jim Crow law before our very eyes. Slavery has returned to the land of the formerly free and allegedly brave. America, the land we call home, has become the safe haven for corporate elitist bankers who steal our wealth and our resources, both natural and man-made.


The Federal Reserve is not federal. It is a private corporation controlling our money, a right given to Congress and only to Congress. It has no reserves, and if it did, these monies belong to we, the people.

The government is complicit in fraud directly, in collusion with the centralized private bank, the Federal Reserve, the fraudulent mortgage credit default swaps with misleading ratings by the rating agencies.

The repealing of the Glass-Steagall Act, which was designed after the first depression to separate the risky speculative behavior of investment banking from retail and commercial banking. It is no coincidence that less than a decade after its repeal, the recession commenced.

Jamie Dimon and J.P. Morgan continue to break the law by attempting to walk away from the Basel III agreements, which are the global requirements for the minimum capital held by banks. He must be jailed.

The LIBOR scandal and the rigging of interest rates is criminal and the perpetrators must be sought out, prosecuted and brought to justice.

PRISM and the illegal spying and prying into our personal privacy by the National Security Agency is illicit, and the perpetrators must be sought out, prosecuted and brought to justice.


By way of both the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) and Term Asset-backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) this government has repeatedly plundered the American tax payers funds and given these funds to the largest banks. These banks are the largest perpetrators of public deception. This government helps these banks stay liquid so that these banks can continue to subsidize the salaries of federal government employees, their career corporate minions. Wealth disparity in Loudon County, Virginia, is the largest it has ever been. In Loudon County live many federal government employees and the contractors who they hire. Is this a peculiar coincidence or a warning sign?

There is a banker-industrial complex consuming our wealth. There is a prison-industrial complex consuming our freedom. There is a military-industrial complex consuming our peace. For if we had our wealth, our freedom and our peace what need would we have for a massive federal government?

These colossal industries have usurped our wealth, our natural resources, and our rights.

We must demand the restoration of our rights as designed and intended by our Constitution’s authors.


If the 20th Century is a testament to the accomplishments of the Western mind and democratic values, then it is a testament of condemnation. The crimes against humanity are numerous and habitual. Let us never forgot these heinous crimes against humanity; the nuclear holocausts of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. These acts are not in the best interest of the American people, nor humanity as a whole, and are indicative of the dominating aristocracy’s blatant disregard for life, liberty and happiness of the people they are elected to protect against all dangers. What need do we have for a government so malevolently aligned against the well-being of humanity and the planet?

This history of the American government is a history of repeated injuries to and usurpations of individual human rights. The Laramie Treaty of 1851 has been violated by DAPL’s Energy Transfer Partners and specifically its owner, Kelcy Warren. The Patriot Act of 2001, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the National Security Act of 1947, the repealing of the Glass-Steagall Act by Clinton, and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 all restrict the rights of Americans in favor of the rights of private corporate banks.

Our government has helped arm insurgents to promote guerrilla warfare in Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Guatemala, and now Syria to fight governments not aligned to the interests of the cabal.


Our government is leading us down the slow road to certain hell. Is that where we want to go? Is that where you want to go? Do you want your children’s children to eat the bread of sorrow? How will that guilt rest on your consciousness? Those who refuse reason are weak, those who cannot are fools, while those who dare to dance with reason are the true patriots among us.

Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, and Edward Snowden are bringing to the light of awareness the dubious, duplicitous and fascist nature of our current federal government. These are our true patriots and they must be protected. Those who are brave enough to be true to their conscience and share with us information that makes transparent illegal actions and transactions conducted by our federal government, must be given asylum until we depose these despots. We have been betrayed.

Our history of a warfare economy is unsustainable and must be denounced. The damage to the Earth, humanity and the collective psyche of Americans, as well as the global family of humanity, must be acknowledged.

60 million of our brothers and sisters are on food stamps. That is 20% of the American population. You may be eating steaks and greens while millions die of starvation.

120 million of our brothers and sisters are at or below the poverty level. That’s nearly half of us.


This neo-fascist society is a wolf disguised in the sheep’s clothing of Democracy. This is not Democracy. We are governed by a plutocratic aristocracy. This is not a free-market capitalist economy. If it were a free-market capitalist economy, the incompetent too-big-to-fail banks would have all gone bankrupt, like Detroit, and been liquidated. This is a socialized economy run by a government that is beholden to the interests of a privatized central bank through ever-accumulating debt.

It is the responsibility of the nation’s people united as one to find the capacity to cultivate the courage to stand up against the forces of evil. The brutal truth can be denied, but its denial must result in a more corrupt Congress, more gluttonous government, and more abhorrent aristocracy. This is the state of our union now whether or not one is willing to accept it. The tyranny of the majority by the minority remains tyrannical, and is the fatal flaw that has delivered the death blow to our federal government. We must pray for our brothers and sisters to awaken and for our people to reclaim our divine unity and power.

The corruption of our illegitimate government is insufferable, and will endure unto posterity unless and until we take action. With this letter, we, the people of the United States of America declare our independence from our federal government and its laws, institutions, and wash our hands of its brutal behavior both domestically and abroad.


Every state is now its own nation free to create its own currency backed by silver and gold as well as any and all crypto-currencies deemed exchangeable until a better method to establish commerce is derived. Every state is free to contract alliances as they desire and defend themselves as necessary.

All Americans are entitled to free and good health care, education, and home. These are all human rights and are to be provided first and foremost by any and all elected officials. We are free to put into our bodies any substance we please. We are free. We must remember. We are free to be. We are free. We are free. WE ARE FREE!

We must not fear change. We must not capitulate to suffer evils. In our complacency we are complicit, and culpable for allowing this aristocracy to arise in our midst without overt struggles of defiance, much less murmurs of its abolition. Let the national conversation start here and now.


Indeed, our rulers have accomplished their antithesis. They imprison us to the point that we now have poisoned food, air and water supplies. There is a banking-industrial complex to go with the prison-industrial complex, which is already piled on top of the unforgivable military-industrial complex.

God, Yeshua, Mary, Buddha, Allah, Krishna, Bhraman, Wakan Tanka, Tunkashila, Sophia, Creator, Nature, Universe, or whatever term you choose to use, is a pervasive reality of the supreme spirit of creation. The paramount responsibility to defend and protect our liberties in the face of a tyrannical government beholden to corporate personhood interests rests solely on the united shoulders of the true, virtuous and indomitable American patriots we call ourselves, our neighbors, our brothers and our sisters in the family of America, and our brothers and sisters in the larger global family of humanity. America must unite for love and respect and against evil in low and high places.

Police officers and military soldiers must remember their oath and their duty. We are on the same side. If you defend the banks, then you defend the true criminals here. If you fight the will of the people, you are fighting your brothers and sisters and not honoring your oath. Please, listen to your heart, and protect your brothers and sisters from these criminals.


I lived at Sacred Stone on the Standing Rock Reservation long enough to be impacted forever. Battlescars leave their marks and so does a lying mainstream media. We saw fascist forces firsthand, at work against the good indigenous people of this nation and the rainbow tribe that came out to show support for this movement of the people. Power to the people. I was sprayed with teargas and unknown chemicals from cropdusters flying overhead. This was not a police force. It was a privatized militarized corporate security unit breaking the Geneva Convention protocols and spraying the people with tear gases. This is fascism. This is corporate oil police in our country going to war with us! NOW!

We must find a new way to move through and be in this world. Our moral intelligence must be elevated to a higher level. We must realize that the global family of humanity cannot be divided by imaginary lines, as it is now.

We can and must end starvation. There is more than enough for all 7 billion of us. Let us be our brothers’ keepers.

We must cease our reliance on warfare to sustain our failing economy. Let us live in peace.

We must cease our tolerance and compliance with fiat currencies. We must find a way to provide services and produce goods and exchange them in a fair and free market. Can we perhaps eliminate money all together? Can we strive to give to our brothers and sisters what they need in the world as any basic moral intelligence with regard for human dignity dictates. We must find a way to genuinely care for the Earth and all her people, to stand for freedom, dignity and all the values this democracy was intended to defend.


We must find the courage to open our eyes and accept responsibility for the world as it is now. We must find our moral compass as a civilization. We must develop a science of the mind with the overt goal to improve the inward state of human beings. Our connection with our Mother Earth we must embrace. The universe forms planets. Planets form life. Life forms love. In this world we have almost seven billion people, all of whom do not want suffering imposed upon them by the corrupted cabal that is profiting from our labor, stealing our wealth, and telling us we must work without insurance or holiday or a decent living wage. We must end the suppression of the soul through poverty. We must love one another.

We must end environmental degradation and destruction.

May we remember these truths in our attempt to save ourselves and find the noble stillness and power of peace that reside inside the holiest chamber within the castle of our souls.

We are infinite beings of light. Stardust Shining. Let yourself shine. Feel yourself shining. Feel the collective body of humanity rejoice in our remembrance.

A failure to act NOW will result in the collapse of this economy, if not this civilization altogether. We must transcend ourselves. We must create a new and better way to move through and be on this planet or we will certainly destroy ourselves.

We are one. We came from the Earth. We must remember our role as its caretaker. We are not its conqueror, and we, despite our greatest efforts to the contrary, never will be. If we fail to take care of the Earth, the Earth will take care of us once and for all. It is the quest of the Spirit of Creation to transcend duality and embark upon the path of Unity Consciousness. Remember!

~Publius Publicola, II.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power this world will know peace.”
~Jimi Hendrix

“I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” — Martin Luther King Jr.


The Rasta is strong in you! Welcome to Steem!

Keep it irie, my brother.

Welcome to Steem and wow I am impressed that this is your first post. It is extremely well written and valuable information that needs spread.
Upvoted, Resteemed, & Followed.

Thank you for the kind words, my good brother. First post. Lots more to come, but first its camping at the base of a waterfall tonight and Roger Waters at the Moda Center manana. Checked out out your rockhound video. good stuff. I am a big crystal collector. Got two points around my neck right now. hope to see some of your stuff soon. Blessings.