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in #economy7 years ago (edited)

HI Sean, thanks for having Lynette on again. I very much appreciate her common sense insights that she backs up with clear market facts and numbers. I think she's absolutely correct regarding the major transition that is going on. The question is how long the transition will take. I assume it still has a long time to run despite the Economist cover indicating 2018 as the changeover year. You're also right on the Lindsay Williams comment - they will send the markets as high as they can for as long as they can before they drop them like a stone.

The vision of these Luciferians can be summarized very easily. Simply go look at UN Agenda 2030 and all the objectives that they are working towards. All these objectives are part of their neo-feudalistic system they are developing. It includes: digital currencies for everything, Smart Cities, the chipping of everything and everyone, the sharing economy where no one owns anything anymore, tiny living where you take up little to no space, Universal Basic Income, the Internet of Things with sensors monitoring everything and everyone, etc. We need to be fighting fully against these objectives and waking up everyone we can to these Luciferian plans.

Thanks again Sean for raising these points once again with this interview.


Thanks newsandviews, not sure we can beat these Satanic monsters, but many of us are willing to die trying.

You and me both Sean, although if we can wake up enough people, no one will have to die trying because the mass resistance will already be enough. Thanks again to you for all your great work in the wake up call.

There's only one additional point that I would make and that is that we need to be sure that our crypto greed is not blinding us to the realities of what we are supporting in the crypto community. As an example, I've seen a lot of new posts on Steemit about how great Vechain is, but no one is mentioning Vechain's potential to track everyone and everything via RFID. Somehow this doesn't seem to register as a real threat to privacy to have an RFID in everything. This is still not to mention Vechain's incredibly close collaboration with the Chinese government - one of the worst human rights violators on Earth.

I only use Vechain as an example. We can also talk about Walton, IOTA, etc. (This is not even mentioning projects focused on UBI and the sharing economy.) These are exactly the projects and technologies that are going to be used to take us to the neofeudalistic future the Luciferians want. Instead of people rallying against these coins, they are pumping them sky high with no understanding whatsoever of their dangers. The greed is so blinding that people are just pouring money into these coins instead.

I find it almost humorous that everyone is so anti-Ripple and anti-centralized cryptos, but everyone is cheering for these IOT endeavors. People can say what they want about Ripple, but I see it as roughly equivalent to calling someone that sells furniture to banks as being a banker's furniture company. However, the technologies that will really enslave us like RFID and IOT is being heralded as fantastic new business models. This is in my view is a serious distraction, misdirection, and a Pied Piper operation that no one seems to be talking about. May I please ask Sean that you think about this as well and do some presentations on any coins that are directly or indirectly enabling UN Agenda 2030. I really appreciate the exposé you've already done on ACChain, but there are many, many more projects (and some very popular ones) that need to be exposed as well.

Thanks again Sean for all your tireless work.


As with many other people, I feel so helpless on a day to day basis, sure I can take small measures to help my immediate family but wider than that I can’t talk to friends and acquaintances, they look at me like I’m a loon!
I was thinking about how the bad guys are normalising horror and wondered why we all can’t, in our own communities and shared platforms, normalise helping ourselves and our neighbours. So I have started posting gentle but helpful comments on mainstream media comments sections, not only NWO fake news articles but articles where I can see lots of people commenting so lots of eyes see (anything about pets, celebrities, families, high traffic features.) I keep it upbeat, honest, factual, relatable and easily digested and have received some good responses from people. I realise a lot of censoring happens so I’m careful with key words but am hopeful that people might start to look into my little info nuggets for themselves.

I particularly look out for articles that are obviously trying to divide us, man v woman, rich v poor, North v South, white v colour, religion v religion and remind readers that we really are one big family. Finally, I’m careful not to say any inflammatory or untrue.

Peace and respect, Lou

It’s a small way to sow brain seeds and hope new people grow them.

Great! You can't wake everyone up but you can plant seeds wherever you go. Some seeds will sprout and some won't. The biggest value is the volume of people regularly doing this. The more that we that do this, the greater the groundswell against The Powers That Be. The power is in the numbers so keep it up and keep encouraging others to do the same!

Many thanks for your comments, please resteem. 👍

Let's use utube and the internet to our own advantage & spread the ephemeral TRUTH[ES].

*May I suggest You-'happy-to-help' ask those you'd like to help to spend 55 minutes of their time to listen to Max Igan's latest podcast released 10 hrs ago here:
"How We Are Controlled and Why Most People Can't See It"


Many thanks for your comments, I’ll do that, please resteem. 👍