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RE: Expect The Unexpected -- Things Will Be Changing

in #economy8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for sharing this article SGT Report. I am sure the author is in a situation where financial support would be a blessing. I find this writing articulate and accurate. Sadly many will take offense to much of his/her feelings regarding the "USSA." Although his/her description of these deceptive, manipulating, warmongering idiots who've hijacked the ruling seats in this Country, are exactly as described.

They DO NOT care about the citizens of this great Nation. Which makes it far simpler for them to show absolutely zero concern for anyone else on this planet. It is money, power and greed that fuel their lustful desires. They hate God. They hate humanity and love. They hate our forefathers. They hate our Constitution. They just simply hate everything and everyone who fails to maintain the level of disgusting greed in which they've mastered and obtain. They have erased compassion in so many.

They have trampled on the value of one's life. They have thrown our God given free will and individual sovereignty into the burn pit. Albeit, It is not America's fault for her Babylonian title. The good people of this great Nation have been brainwashed via deceptive indoctrination and persecuted for thinking against the grain. America was founded with morality, love and values. Compassion and reason used to mean something in our beautiful land. God used to be the lawmaker, the Holy Ghost our guidance and Jesus the cornerstone. The only way to dispose of the Babylonian title, is to place God first once again. God bless......