
I read some news a few months back about canadians crossing the border to get around the long lines if they need care for anythinh very serious. I'm sure Europe has its problems too. It always looks better from over here right?

I think I'd be interested to hear what regular Canadian citizens think about their health care system. I don't trust the news to tell an unbiased story any more.
I don't think that any of the healthcare systems are perfect by any means, but most of them are better than the for profit health insurance based system that we have here in the U.S. When an insurance company can deny you coverage for procedures ordered by a doctor, simply because it affects their profit margin, something is wrong with that system.

All the government has is a redistribution system that does not work well. Steemit has a better redistribution system. Maybe a Steemit health program where users can put some of their steem in case of emergency? That would be totally optional and there could be witnesses to verify.

That's a pretty good idea. A different kind of health savings account.