We have to have workers, we don't have to have dollars.

in #economics8 years ago


I have proposed a moneyless economic model that requires less work and gives more stuff to the average person than the status quo. 

The basic outlines from other authors can be found in this list: 

And Then There Were None, by Eric Russell 1951 http://www.abelard.org/e-f-russell.php 

Looking Backwards by Ed Bellamy 1887 http://pinkmonkey.com/dl/library1/digi381.pdf 

The Conquest of Bread by Prince Kropotkin 1906 http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petr-kropotkin-the-conquest-of-bread.pdf 

What is Property by P.J. Proudhon 1840 http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/pierre-joseph-proudhon-what-is-property-an-inquiry-into-the-principle-of-right-and-of-governmen 

If you take the time to read these books, the first two are no more than a few hours in length, you will see that an economic system based on worker unity can indeed reduce the labor required to live at a higher standard of living than we enjoy today. 

No longer will social pressures keep robots from eliminating jobs. 

In fact, this management scheme will offer things to the average worker that crapitalism will never approach. 

Crapitalism will never give you a free ride into space, but my proposal will do so just as quick as the capacity is there. 

Instead of nasa being in charge, existing on the crumbs from politicians, they will have labor and materials for free just like every other group endeavor. 

No longer will you work to make the owners and shareholders rich, no longer will you work to pay for the leeches we call politicians.

Doctors, lawyers, and other 'professional's' expensive tastes will no longer keep the poor people poor by charging them outrageous prices, their services will be provided free of charge to all who need them. 

The doctor will provide her services for free because the person who built his house did so for free, the person who grew her food did so for free, the person who wove the fabric of his shirt and pants did so for free, the person who made her shoes did so for free, the truck driver that delivered the goods did so for free, the person who coded the website that she ordered her stuff from did so for free, the person who dreamed up this system did so for free. 

The system will determine what is required to keep the stuff on the shelves, possibly in hours, perhaps in ergs, and will then divide that total by the number of people between the ages of 20 and 50, this number will be the minimum contribution expected of each person in order that each person can live without being a parasite on the other workers. 

Until the age of 20 people will prepare themselves for the work ahead of them.  

If you are going to be a chemical engineer you will need to pursue the education that will allow you to be productive in your 20s. 

If you want to be a farmer then you will study farming related technologies. 

If you want to be a roboticist then you will have to acquire those skills. 

Many things will have to be worked out individually and in the various places, not everything can be determined by a central plan and folks will have to be creative in determining how they wish to manage the local production. 

Transparency on the internet will allow you to know that more help is needed in Malaysia at the laptop factory, or the paper mill in South Carolina needs more help, whatever, wherever more labor is needed a request will be put out for help and you will be free to go there and do that. 

Whatever work you seek to do will have a place that you can go to, housing will be waiting, food will be free, people will meet you at the airport and help you begin producing. 

The above books do a good job of creating an outline that can be used as an example, but will not be authoritative. 

As an added bonus, rule by force will no longer be tolerated, bullies will have finally met their match. 

We, as a worldwide grouping of people, will seek out those that use violence and anger to attain their goals and make them stop. 

Thugs will cease to be in charge. 

Killings by the 'authorities'(read wars of the ruling class) will no longer be tolerated, those responsible will be dealt with locally, and in the manner prescribed by the victim and local tradition. 

If you don't want to wear your seatbelt it will be up to Darwin to demonstrate that your life on the edge was not conducive to long life. 

If you don't want to wear a helmet on your motorcycle then no thug will spank you, you will be free to be an idiot. 

The freedom to be stupid is one of the most valuable freedoms because it takes those that would kill themselves with drugs, or other dangerous pursuits, out of the gene pool, hopefully before they reproduce. 

Children will no longer be property, they will be free to seek a better deal with the family down the road, sure that is going to make a lot of people upset, they like being the slaveholders of their children, if that is you, perhaps you should reevaluate your stance, children are not your property. 

No longer will children be stuck in abusive/controlling relationships with their parents, they will be free to seek loving relationships with whomever they please. 

If you don't want your children adopting the grandma down the street as their new example in life then you should treat your children with respect and love. 

This proposal changes life from a daily struggle to gouge out an existence into a utopia. 

Never again will you have to worry about paying rent or an electric bill. 

These things will be given to you freely by a loving human race on the promise that you not be a bum. 

Bums will be free to leech off of the workers, if they were not this proposal would simply be crapitalism with accounting tools other than money. 

I doubt that many people will want to be pariahs in their local communities. 

Some will, I'm sure, but hey, no system is perfect. 

Perfection is not an option, we can only do the best we can with what we have to work with. 

I'm running out of steam, and this post is getting into tldr territory, so I will close and answer any questions you care to put in the comments. 

Please stop seeking your goals(if it applies) through anger, violence, and controlling others, it is getting tiresome to those of us that want freedom from those that violently control others.

Have a perfectly peaceful day.

Keep working, stop paying.   No war, but the class war!!

Viva!   Tradeqwik, the exchange that pays you!


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How to win in court for far less!!


Interesting read.

The system will determine what is required to keep the stuff on the shelves

I mostly agree with what you wrote but this above... talking in term of 'system' means 'centralization' and with centralization comes 'rationing' and control of consumption. Maybe you didnt mean that but I just want to point this out.

I have a website dedicated to a money-free and futuristic society and it has it own metaphysics already... just starting up, check it out, drop me an email if/when you get a chance.

Maybe you didnt mean that but I just want to point this out.

When rule by force is off the table you won't think this.

My proposal doesn't centrally plan, it simply takes in orders and puts out goods.
If the factory isn't getting orders, then the workers must seek other work.

Give me the link and I will look at it?

The first is a science fiction that presents an ideal anarchist society without money, where people resolve everything with IOU's and people don't accept your IOU if you don't resolve them. It's a nice read but it draws entirely on the notion that people won't have capital, or stores of value, and instead of choosing to work for capital, they work for services and goods, and those that offer services or goods will do only in return for favors and work, while some do favors and "obligations" as insurance, ie how firefighters would procure a coat, but this never touches on the fact of life, or competition, or what incentive is there to go through the trouble of a coat or running a coat shop if everything is resolved in favors and not goods? we simply are given a scenario where there's no need to do something better, fast or easier, or incentive for that or to create products, people simply endeavor to produce the cans, the coats and other products for favors, leaving much of the product out of the equation, as everyone is busy doing obligations for each other, instead of making their own coat or canning their own stuff the inefficiency of this is that people can stretch out the people's trusts, always being in debt, this debt has no real need to be resolved as it's spread around to the whole community, ultimately the ones who's services are rarely but importantly required such as a doctor, or a firefighter, either get paid before hand, but that won't matter when the fire reaches a certain size, or when the doctor is stretch out and cannot resolve two iou's at the same time.

It's a nice read even though it overwhelmingly tries to promote an anarchist communist society by not touching on the production aspect of it one bit, other than mentioning something of a functional ob on a town, which now causes the whole notion of obligation as it extends to a fictional entity or what represents a group of people, and not just obligations people have to implode with how and what makes a representation of a group of people, responsible for obligations to another "group" of people.

The case for a money-less society is hardly thought out. Money has existed in all kinds of forms, for example people resolved debts, not by IOU's but tally sticks, and there wasn't any problem with that. The money we have today are controlled and regulated to survive pyramid schemes. It's not the idea of money that is evil, it's the idea that banning money will solve human nature, or mitigate the power some have over others, and it won't. It's just an extreme that hasn't resolved the contradiction of freedom and No Money, you cannot have freedom and No money, as one is the antithesis to the other.

hello, thank you for the time it took you to draft your opinion. I just started a money-free endeavor and from my perspective, if the movement doesn't have the metaphysics to achieve its aims, it will eventually fail.

you cannot have freedom and No money, as one is the antithesis to the other.
all societies have been erected upon false models (coercion) and rigid religious dogmas, and will continue to rise and crash until we address the premises... unfortunately we are today staring into the abyss because of such misconceptions. And your train of thoughts adhere to the latter, so you cannot break free from the catch 22... real freedom starts in the mind, it is not a monetary aspect. Once realized, money/value becomes entirely subjective

Check out my blog when time permits

You've quite the work on your blog, just going through the articles it's one after another, will definitely read them.

I go back and forth with @freebornangel, this is our thing, he starts with his "money is evil, capitalism is the singular most evil thing" and I explain that capitalism simply means free trade and blaming "capitalism" for government, or more precisely the corporations pretending to be government isn't going to make capitalism the problem, then I remind him that freedom and communism (no money, no private property) are antithetical to each other.

Check out this http://annavonreitz.com/

Do you know about Ubuntu? This is exactly what they do! They started the one small town project I think 1 or 2 years ago, I think you will be interested!

zumia #2 from this article seems like the most voluntarist of all. The rest sounds more like libertarian socialism . Even anarchy-left.

The academics can categorize it how they please, take rule by force off the table and most of society's ills go with it.

check my page for my website, which is a starting endeavor in the same mold.

Michel Tellinger is a fav of mine :)