D's #Datadump January 31 2018: The Creature From Jekyll Island

in #economics7 years ago (edited)

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Has it ever occurred to you that the federal government has no need of taxes for revenue?

As I posted yesterday, over the years I have been involved in the intel world and all this bullshit, I have collected a pretty vast assortment of documents and books on just about every subject imaginable. With everything that is going on in the world of Cryptocurrencies, I think it is vitally important for people to comprehend the full picture of our current Financial System. Over the next few days I'll post several ebooks and documents that will fully prove the collusion and fraud perpetrated on the people of this world.

*When it comes to fully comprehending the fraud that is the Federal Reserve Bank and the "New World Order" puzzle, the very first book you need to read is "The Creature from Jekyll Island"

Are you aware that banks prefer lending to governments because governments seldom repay loans?

Do you realize that if all debts, both public and private, were paid, there would be no money at all in circulation?

it is unlikely that any book has ranged across 2,000 years of money and banking from Diocletian to the Rothschilds to Alan Greenspan - and tied it into the new world order - as thoroughly as The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin

In order to help us fully understand our present predicament, Mr. Griffin ranges far afield in explaining the historical, economic, and political antecedents of today’s money system.

We are given a crash course on the nature of money; the origin of banks and the concept of fractional reserves; how this led to the seductive idea of using the same money over and over; how this inevitably led to economic disaster wherever and whenever tried.

We are instructed about the Rothschild formula, which perfected the art of making enormous profits from loans to governments, especially for wars; how this led to preventing any one nation from becoming strong enough to establish peace (the famous balance of power); how those who could instigate wars or revolutions were financed (including the Bolsheviks in 1917); how we Americans were sucked into World War I in order to save J.P. Morgan’s loans to England; how environmentalism is now the weapon of choice replacing war.

We are taken to the super-secret meeting of Insider financiers and Rothschild agent Paul Warburg on Jekyll Island in 1910 where the basic plan for what became the Federal Reserve Act was formulated; we learn that these plotters were already affiliated with the conspiratorial British one world Round Table group which preceded the Council on Foreign Relations (our secret government); we are astounded by the brazen deception of Congress that pushed through this unconstitutional act creating the Insiders’ fundamental tool - a central bank with the ability to inflate....

Read The Creature From Jekyll Island HERE

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Thanks for the book recommendation!

Thanks for the reminder D, that book has been on my reading list for a while... Guess it is time to make some free time...

hahaha! free time? What's that? :>O

love d
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Hi daniarnold,steemit is defo the best place to share this info.And thanks for sharing.I take it its a no go for the pdf's ?Someone will sort that out i expect.

I'm still looking... but haven't found one yet!!


great post. everybody wake up NOW.

This seems the perfect place for you to be 'dumping' so much information! You should check out Dtube and see if it could work for you too!

Dare I say even this book scratches the surface,,!!!