It looks like you may have paid the PRIVATE motor vehicle tax. My fees are somewhat higher, but I do get my very own license plate.
It looks like you may have paid the PRIVATE motor vehicle tax. My fees are somewhat higher, but I do get my very own license plate.
Nah. Standard tax and fees are total 2730 PKR as we can see in the challan. I have been charged extra for nothing. It's happening here in corrupt countries.
Taxation is theft.
No more words needed ;-)
Is it same situation in Europe?
Taxation is theft anywhere in the world...
I do not think you yet fathom the problem, that the rule is the problem, not the lack of it.
Ok so generally Taxation and centralize system based on a lie but at least that is a system. I am talking about corruption in the name of taxes. As I paid to police exises. There were no any tax for receiving documents but officers ask me for paying 300 PKR. Darkness payer do not for what he or she is paying.