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RE: Ecological Movie "Garbage Dreams"

in #ecology7 years ago (edited)

It really stinks that people who are doing important work, such as garbage removal and such, should be forced to maintain such a low standard of living. I am guessing that is because this process isn't a very profitable one? That is a common thread I find with things that need to be done, but don't get done. There is no money in it. I would be sad about it if there weren't people out there working so hard out there for a better system of things. Thanks for sharing. Much love! <3


In my country (Ukraine)"Garbage Business" is very profitable area. And in my city (Zaporozhye) is operating a second German company in a row.
But the private "garbage business" is running as well. People accept different type of already pre-sorted garbage, pay for it by cash, and than bring all collected material to the German recycling system, which also pays.
But all these people, who collect this first probs of garbage are mostly homeless people or people who are in the bottom of financial canyon.. I believe this is so, because it is so dirty, smelly and dangerous to health job, that you choose it only if no other choice.

We have this on a small level in a few states, but only the states that are willing to charge people an extra nickel per bottle/can. When homeless people pick these up, they can be redeemed at any store for a nickel each. So we have to spend a nickel first to get a nickel back. There is no profit involved with the USA version of garbage clean up. Also, any garbage not worth money (80% of it) stays on the ground...... Looks like my country could learn a thing or three from Ukraine. Thanks for sharing. I will tell my President about this and he will say, "no" because he is a giant, gaping asshole. Much love! <3

In Ukraine the level of recycling is very low too. Our government is also paying foreign countries for garbage service.
But it is clear, that, if some one do business out from garbage, so it has profitability. Especially if wide this business up to cover other countries.
Garbage recycling in my country is not in priority. That is why we are doing what we can and help others.
I believe in face of carrying people, like you, your president will soon have no choice))) He will listen and act.

For meow I am going to do what my boyfriend does, pick up trash while waiting for the bus, or after a music festival (you can find free goodies this way) and after/during camping/hiking. It doesn't pay, but if you are there anyway and have the means to take it out, may as well right? Thanks for the response.