EcoTrain QOTW - Who is More Culpable?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #eco6 years ago (edited)


EcoTrain Question of the Week:

Who are more culpaple for inequality and injustice, the people who make our rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them? Is the notion "I'm just doing my job" ethical?

Greetings all, I've been out of action for some time, (boy can life circumstances foul you up or what?) now making a solemn attempt to get back at it. I'll be returning to my Voyage Home series shortly, but in the meantime some participation in my beloved Steemit groups! This one comes from @Eco-Alex and his @EcoTrain.


To speak as to whom is more culpable, I say it is those who make the rules and laws. To understand my opinion on this requires understanding who really makes these rules. These rules are created and driven by individuals for whom you and I will never even hear their names whispered, much less see their faces. These are the men-behind-the-curtain who know unimaginably more about the world, the universe and the 'sciences', as well as the true essence of our existence including our spiritual nature, our 'multiple bodies' and the true sciences of our illusional 'material' state of being than we ever will during this current pass. These ones who cannot be named have been furnished with all (or most) of the knowledge of our true history, makeup and purpose, and they do everything in their power to ensure we get access to none of it.

The cards are stacked, the game is rigged. Entirely.

We masses, along with all the inmates who (think they) run the asylum, are (to ever increasing degrees) paralyzed by vaccines and the mind-numbing indoctrination ('school') and media SYSTEMS. Not to mention the utter filth we (most) eat, drink and breathe which (by meticulous design) leaves us even more vulnerable to the worldwide FEAR MACHINE.


We're fucking scared, so (for the majority) we do what they tell us we'd better do if we hope to have any semblance of safety in our lives, particularly in regard to our children. Ha. Our children, who they're ripping to shreds. Each ensuing generation receives more vaccines, with more potency, than the previous. They're attempting to render us helpless before enough of us can awaken to put a stop to it all. As a personal example, subsequent to first rounds of vaccines, my stepdaughter's first two sons have needed speech therapy, and one of them can no longer smile. Half his face dropped, and now he would seem to have a permanent case of Bell's Palsy, not to mention he's 5 and I can't understand a word he says. My stepson's son, subsequent to vaccines, developed Nystagmus. His eyes won't stop moving in circles unless he forces them upward almost into his head. And at 13, he's the most depressed young man I've ever heard of, let alone known. My son is 18, and I've spent truly countless hours counseling him out of depression over the years, and I've found myself having to shepherd him through practically all of the things that my generation handled mostly on our own. He also just went through a life threatening lung collapse of over 90%. Just a random thing, right?

My arse.

We're being conditioned, physically and mentally, to be DEPENDENT. Upon the STATE, upon its 'medical' INDUSTRY, upon its military industrial pharmaceutical complex. In general, upon its tender mercies.


So no, I don't put the onus on the people who follow the rules, I put it on the slavemasters who (from deep behind the scenes) make them and disable us into being nearly incapable of thinking for ourselves. Look around you. Do you see the masses truly thinking for themselves? No, neither do I. Present company excepted, of course. I don't blame the masses for following orders, I feel for them.

But amidst all this darkness, comes the light.

In spite of the best efforts THE SYSTEM can put out, the awakening is becoming so blatantly obvious that I sometimes chuckle when I think about it. The evidence that is all over the internet, and indeed in so many people I meet who (to me) so unexpectedly are aware of at least some of what's going on, is amazingly pervasive. At least a couple of my son's high school teachers are to this day still bucking the system, to varying degrees, and leading their students to think outside the box. One of them took the class outside one day in an attempt to familiarize them with being "in the now", living in the moment. He impressed upon them to stop concerning themselves with any guilt over anything in the past, along with any worries about the future. He told them to indeed plan for the future, but quit worrying about it, that living in the moment is the only emotionally and (therefore) physically healthy way to go. Dude is risking his job - Respect! My son's current college oral communications professor speaks of government, politics, etc much as I do here on the blockchain, out loud in class. Ballsy. Love you Alex! RESPECT!!!


Though the awakening be yet fledgling, it is indeed upon us my beloveds.

The game is afoot - let's keep running with it!!!

I love you,



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Yeah... I can see putting the blame on the slave masters. Of course when the people are being dumbed down and paralized to the point of not thinking for themselves or scared into doing what the man, says just to live at least a little comfort, it it the hand that feeds who is to blame.

But what if humans aren't fit for holding such secrets as our true history or purpose here? Those are very old secrets to be held behind the curtain.

Thank you my dear @senorcoconut.

And please make no mistake that the concept of our not being fit for holding the knowledge we held so long ago and thrived with, is put upon us only by the slavemasters. They poison us from every angle to render us vulnerable, particularly to fear. And they program us from the time we're able to understand speech, to believe we're not fit.

Trust me when I say that we are perfectly fit to function as per our original design, to live, to love, to explore, and to indeed know our true selves, a knowing that grows with each new lifetime until such time we no longer have need of further lifetimes here. That is, unless the knowing is somehow artificially squelched by entities wishing to keep us indentured over countless lifetimes for their own purposes.

The fear that keeps them awake at night is the fear of our no longer being afraid. It takes real courage to no longer fear, particularly from within the brain fog in which their toxins hold us. But it's happening anyway, in spite of all else. We are spirit, and spirit is indestructible, and has always and will always prevail. Love cannot fail...not for very long, anyway.

With sincerest appreciation and love,

I love to hear that we are in deed fit to handle the real truth and knowledge. I'm finding it hard to really really believe all the different theories on our enslavement.... there are so many possibilities!

What if the matrix was making us think there is a matrix and if we ever got out we would actually be in that very first matrix or yet a different one. You know, multiple level mind control or something?

And what if it was all just an idea and what we see is what we really are. Humans cannot really ole on to secrets all that well in general

nice one logan!
So no, I don't put the onus on the people who follow the rules, I put it on the slavemasters
Very interesting point.. because.. well im going to write about it now on my post! I was meditating this morning and then it came to me.. what we have to ask are really WHO are these slavemasters exactly! The answer is sure to surprise!

Great to see you posting again. you guys have been through it huh.. ouch! so happy you have seen the light and are helping others to do the same.

Thanks Alex!!!
Agreed agreed agreed and thank you brother!