STEEM Cycle Update: Dual-Cable Charging Solution, and Autumn Riding Gear

in #ebikes7 years ago (edited)

Autumn is upon me! Came without warning. The warmth and splendor of Summer has gone away, replaced by ever-chillier evenings. However it's that maddening "in-between" chill where it's still uncomfortably warm when you're not moving because of the strong sunshine, but there's uncomfortably cold wind chill while in motion.

This makes picking out riding gear tough. I don't want anything elaborate or it defeats the spontaneity and ease of ebike travel. Some gloves and goggles will do fine. I chose these goggles for the faux leather padding. Keeping wind out of my eyes is actually the smallest part of it, I haven't yet put on front or rear mud guards, so splatter is an issue that the goggles are a stopgap solution to.

As for gloves, once again, not quite cold enough for my battery heated winter gloves except at night. I chose these particular gloves because they have metal fibers in the fingertips which allow me to use my phone's touchscreen without taking them off, and they're lined with mylar microdots.

If you're unfamiliar, mylar is that wrinkly metallic tinfoil-lookin' stuff that was used as an insulating skirt on the Apollo lunar lander. It's also the material used in so-called "space blankets" (hence the name). It's the most effective insulator for the least amount/thickness of material, and works by being highly reflective to infrared:

This makes it as warm as something this thin possibly can be. I have mylar microdot lined winter pants as well. The microdots allow space in between the mylar for air to move so the material can still breathe, without compromising the warming effect overmuch. I highly recommend it, this shit is magic and really impresses on me the promise of materials science.

Now for the charging cable. As you can see, there's two plugs now. This is because I got tired of having to open up the bike's body and swap the accessories battery bank out for a freshly charged one every 3-4 days. It's just barely enough of a hassle that I bothered to install a usb cable poking out the front to charge it with.

I've got a little rubber cap (giggity) which covers the USB male end while riding. The charging cable plug end is actually female. Zip-tying it to the main traction battery charging cable (an extension cord, also female end) saves me the mess and trouble of managing 2 cables in a confined space.

There it is plugged in. Now, the real bee's knees would be if I could work out some kind of inductive charging solution. Maybe the induction coil goes around the rim of the front tire and I park it tire-first into a bike alcove with the transmitter coil aligned to the front wheel? A project for another day.

Some side observations: I have twice now seen dudes ahead of me swerve and topple off their bikes to avoid snakes that sun themselves on the warm asphalt bike path. The problem is they're black, almost the exact same shade as the asphalt which probs helps them avoid predators but not bicycles.

Also seeing loads of flattened squirrels on the road lately. :( I assume this is because of increased foraging activity by squirrels in anticipation of the coming winter. I dunno how it can be avoided but I hate looking at it. Maybe subterranean squirrel crossing tunnels that go under the road?

I've got "ear mitts" coming in the mail. Basically bandless ear muffs that stay on with an elastic thingie. My head is too damn big for most earmuffs that wrap around the back, the only kind I can use at the same time as a bicycle helmet. I hope these work because my ears are too big as well and act like wind scoops. The tips get really cold and red. :/

Probably I'll report on how well those work when I do a "winter riding gear" article in the coming months.


As an avid cyclist, I find that a few base layers that are longsleeve works well in the cold months. Motorcyclists have various types of warmers for the hand and inside of the jacket that connect to their battery. Not sure if that is possible with your rig.

My (other) gloves and jacket are electrically heated by their own removable lithium batteries, so as not to drain the bike's traction battery. It's not yet cold enough that I need to turn them on however, even at night.

If I pedaled at all, probably I'd have no trouble staying warm. But I don't. :/

I have gone to the Sea Otter Classic bike festival in Monterey CA every year since 2008 and last year had the most ebike booths. I tried out one and it was really fun, but expensive. I think the price of those bikes may exclude many people from purchasing them.

There are neoprene face warmers for skiing/snowboarding if your face gets cold. I've used one before when I was a skier and they work well. (I snowboard a few days a year now).

The prices you saw were for name brand prebuilts. They have a yuppie tax rolled in. I built mine for $2,500 not including tools.

Great day for a ride today. Is that fernhill park? I'm in NE.
Hope you had a good one.

Nope, although if you've ever ridden Wildwood trail, that's one I often visit.

Ah yes! That is a nice ride.
Probably nicer when you don't have to pedal ;P

it' good to see you out with a ride. I am so happy that summer is near to end. As this part of the world where I am living the summer is a terrible experience, temperature rising above 50 c . Now feeling bit cold. it's time for me to explore like you.

Happy to see you've gotten the charging situation figured out and won't have to swap out the batteries every couple of days, as that would probably get annoying after awhile.

It's been really cool watching what you've done with this bike. I still remember stumbling onto the post that introduced me to this, where you had put LED's onto the wheel for when you're on it at night time, and had to get busted spokes fixed. Really glad I've been able to see the process of it changing over time :)

Also, I 100 percent support the building of tunnels for squirrels. We also should be arming them with squirrel sized Kalashnikov's and getting them on steroids to prepare for winter. All hail our squirrel overlords!

Subways for some animals is a solution that works. In our town there are locations with pipe installments under the road just for the young frogs or toads to travel save to the other side but i don't know if squirrels would use them.

I embrace the colder seasons because my brain works better at normal temperatures 😅 also the light and color spectacle with lower sun position and the yellow/orange/red leaves is sometimes fantastic.

Yesterday my 4 year old daughter piled up some leaves on my office desk and said "That's for you dad!" .. yes, autumn is here and i love it!

Have a good bike ride! 🚴

Lovely photo and story. :)

Looks like you're all geared up ;) That PS VR sticker though, lol. Made me think for a moment you were gonna set up some home set VR biking xD

Sounds foolish and dangerous. I kinda want to do it now.

The mitts fit in perfect for the weather and at least your bike updates now save you time and effort .

Hi @alexbeyman! is that you?

I'm fan of your post but first time I see you.
No doubt you're really handsome guy.

Goggles are transparent a bit :D So for the 1st time I could say "I saw you" :D
In my country we are not dressing like this to do bicycle ride! Coz it's warm and definitely we will be in trouble if we wear like this! And if I wear goggles to ride bicycle, people will say "A Crazy Guy" :D


@alexbeyman - Oh wow that's cool.. I really like your goggles and the gloves. Specially gloves, because, you can use your phone without taking them off. That is very useful. If not you are in a big trouble. Because, you want to use your phone, but, have to remove your gloves for that. :D That must be very hard to do that in Winter... Great... That is really impressive Alex.. Thank you very much for sharing your valuable experience with us.. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]