Easydex-MeMe-Challenge-PinkDexDay-The **Winner’s** of Contest # 1-2
Image Source @boyerobert Creative Director @johnskotts
Dear PinkSteemians,
Hope your having a Pinkallicious time on Steemit…Welcome!!!
To all the Participants on the Easydex-MeMe-Challenge-PinkDexDay-The Winner’s of Contest # 1-2 will be Presented on this PinkPost. Thank you for all Participating I’m Impressed at all the Beautiful MeMe Images. Once again loving The Pink
PinkDexDay 3 is on its way, YES another MEME CONTEST as well. Look for link below. New rules simplified as easy as… Easydex.
LINK BELOW...New Contest; Easydex-MeMe-Challenge-PinkDexDay-The Contest # 3 NEW YORK
Thing are progressing Excellent, and Pink with EasyDex a few New Developments are Official. Most important one is the the BTC Gate is open, which will make the PBTOKEN live, the rewards are coming to a DEX near you. I will provide a link to explain the; Portfolio Builder Token; https://easydex.net/portfolio-builder-tokens/
BTC Gate is open,
Official Link;
Winners total
- lost108 1st 15 PBToken + 3 ( Bonus ) (18)
- Steemdan 2nd 10 PBToken + 3 ( Bonus ) + 1 ( Extra ) (14)
- alinversionistas 3rd 5 PBToken + 3 ( Bonus ) (8)
Congratulations lost108 Your My PinkPirate
Note: Contestants that participated in Meme-Challenge 1, were Recovered and rolled over and were added Extra rewards, as a Rollover for Greater Bonus. This can also happen to PinkDexDay 3 look for it.
Rollover for Greater Bonus.
Link of the Winner’s;
Links; Easydex-MeMe-Challenge-PinkDexDay-Contest # 1-2
Image Source; @boyerobert
This Challenge was courtesy of Easydex
Special Thank You to KingWalrus, and QueenDuck for believing in THE PINK STUFF
This Challenge was courtesy of Easydex
Special Thank You to KingWalrus, and QueenDuck for believing in THE PINK STUFF
Easydex Wallet Registration;
Easydex Information Below;
Telegram: https://t.me/easydex.
Discord: https://discord.gg/JPva8DS.
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EasyDex/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EasyDexOfficial.
Thank You

Fine Print/ Dis-Claimer
PinkDexDay- Isn't about making fun of any person, entities, or organizations, it’s clearly about having some fun, In a unfunny WORDL, EasyDex’s team is always available to provide knowledge and awareness, to the Blockchain Sphere for all… In a very Serious and Professional manner, with a Twist of Pink…The Team’s Vision is very clear, Serious, and Dedicated to making this happen…We’re just being EasyDexing, expressing the (DEX), PBToken to the WORDL, The Easydex Exchange…Dedicated to Educating a movement to heal/cure the WORDL(HODL)…and takes full Responsibility for the PINK
1ST PINK REPORT EasyDex-PinkDexDay, Introducing “THE PINK REPORT” BlockChain Awareness. #1
Awesome Rendering by @jsf, Pink Coming To A Dex Near You...EASDYDEX
Image Source; @jsf
#PinkRulesAll #The P.R.A.
Thank you Buddy, means a lot from you, #keepitEasyDexing love your style...

Congrats to all the winners all well the participants to make this event lively :)
...did you participate? Lol...putting you on the PINK