The EasyDex Bitcoin Gateway

Have you ever sat biting your nails waiting for your bitcoin transaction to go through? That feeling of seeing it safe in your wallet is priceless, yet most exchanges make you wait and of course there is the astronomical fees that can go hand in hand with that.
There is a solution to both these problems and its called EasyDex.
The EasyDex bitcoin gateway has a minimum transaction fee of 3000 satoshi (fee per byte) and no deposit fee which is far lower than any centralised or decentralised exchange that I know about. It is also the only one that allows you to set a higher miner fee if time is of the essence.
Not only that but the transaction takes place really fast, often in less than a minute, so that eliminates that common worry when carrying out bitcoin transactions as well. You will be able to see your transaction pending straight away.
You can sign up for a free EasyDex account here:
We also have a very active customer service team, who will help you with any step required.
Lastly, I would also just like to include that not only does EasyDex have the lowest withdrawal fees for a BTC gateway in the industry, but half of the 0.2% market value will be dropped on our Portfolio Builder token holders (EASYDEX.PB), so its good to support us to support you. You can find out more about our tokens here:
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