"The Last Enemy"

in #easter4 years ago


A happy Resurrection Sunday to you all! 1 Corinthians 15:25-26 says:

"For [Christ] must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death."

I love the way it says that death will be "abolished." God wants us to know that death was not a part of his original creation, and will not be a part of his new creation. In a sense, it's an outlaw.

As Christians we believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. But I must admit, in a world of disease and death it can be hard for me to keep my eyes on that promise. The world seems so hopeless, and hope is hard to hold to.

I need to take to heart the gospel message as given in Scripture. It tells me that I'm in the middle of an amazing story, and the end is worth waiting for!

A blessed Easter to you all!