What in the world?!
What do bunnies and eggs have to do with Easter!?
There are some who are offended
by linking pagan symbols like the Easter bunny and colored eggs with the death and resurrection of Jesus.
I tend to lean toward REDEEMING lost and broken things for the kingdom of the Great Redeemer.
Like rainbows, Christmas trees, and this broken world itself, I believe that, what Satan means for evil, our King takes back and uses for great good.
So - Easter eggs
Here's one take on those.
Think about what is inside the eggs.
Promise of good. Surprises of joy.
And what is inside the tomb?
Great good
And the bunnies?
Think warm, love and sweet life.
The very same life-enhancing gifts that come with Christ's resurrection and warm welcome into His family.
So let's join Jesus
in His redemption work. Let's take back what the devil, and sin, and the selfish flesh have taken in their attempts to confuse the message of hope - and let's use them for great good.