Planet Earth careened through space in its relentless path for billions of years...

in #earth7 years ago

For the latter part of her journey, she was healthy, even vibrant in every way. It took mankind only a tiny fraction of that time to bring our magnificent home to the brink of destruction. The elements of greed, corruption and power have brought our greatest ‘borrowed-asset’ to her knees and even knowing this, we continue to grasp hungrily for her very lifeblood, with the knowledge that our acts of malice toward the mother of humanity will certainly kill us all.

It is only when we are all gone, that Mother Nature will reclaim all that she gave to us freely and the Earth, who never belonged to us, will revive herself, to spin for yet another eternity, devoid of her murderers.

The question of the millennium, is not can Earth be nurtured back to her magnificence, it is, sadly, will we cast aside our insatiable hunger for power, to join hands and hearts to work not just for the greater good but for the essential good. Let us examine the critical elements that Earth has provided each of us so that we may know in what direction to ascribe our energies to fix what we, with malice aforethought, have torn asunder.

It is mind boggling that any human who understands the basic status quo of Earth’s inexplicable complexities, would allow ourselves to turn our attention to the petty issues of war and dominance, power and profit and the daily banalities of life that appear bigger than the survival of the home to eight billion people. It is the minority who have done this but it is the majority, you and I, who have allowed it.

Norman J Ball