With the season's money coming so close and only one more away from us, Riot revealed that it would send gamers a new interface for LOL's client.
- With the season's money coming so close and only one more away from us, Riot revealed that it would send gamers a new interface for LOL's client. All the information you need to know about the changes in the 2019 season will be fully provided with a click of the mouse.

- In the gameplay category, we have four separate tabs that correspond to the four biggest changes of the 2019 play style, including: Leaflet, Juggle Index, Flip Flop and Match Finals.


- With ratings, the 2019 season will adopt many new mechanisms altogether. Riot devotes two tabs to update the Chain and Rating Ranks to provide information on these changes:

- The 2018 Superstars event is about to start, so Riot will set aside a tab for this item: