SLC S23 Week3 || Computer Repair - CPU (Processor)

in #dynamicdevs-s23w317 days ago (edited)
I am Muhammad Ahmad from Pakistan

Welcome to my post, my dear friends. How's everything going? I hope that you all will be fine and enjoying your life. I am also fine and good. Alhumdullilah

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Today I am going to participate in the third week of the Steemit Learning Challenge. Mr @kouba01 has organized a new contest in the SLC with the theme of CPU Processor repair and today I will participate in it with full attention. Currently, I have 2 computers, one is for my personal use and the other one is my alt. Today I will open my alt computer's every part and then I will research the CPU (Processor). So without wasting any time, let's get into it.

First Experience with a CPU
  • My first computer which I get was in 2017 which my uncle bought for me from my savings. I was very happy to see my new core 2 do computer because it was the first time when I see and opened y computer.Liteally I cant tell you my emotions when I see my first computer.But after 3 to 4 years of use my computer is being broken because my computer got fall from my table.I was very upset and that time I was quite small so I was not having much sense and then I was just telling to my Mom that I want computer and computer.

  • Then my mother go with me to the Computer's Plaza and their my mother bought a computer for me.I was very happy to see my other computer.But then my sister needs computer and I also need an upgraded computer.So last year I sell my computer to my sister on 186 Steem and I was also having about 435 Steem so then when I got about 620 Steem in total.I call my tutor and mentor @ hamzayousafzai about that and then he tell me that on this Sunday we would go the Gul-Haji Plaza and their I will buy a Good Gaming computer for you.

  • I was very happy to listen that, when the sunday arrives then early in the morning my tutor comes and bell to my house, then I came out and hand over all the 620 Steem in his hand and then he kept that amount in his wallet.When we reach their, firstly we searched for a lot of computers.But after finalizing a computer I asked the person that is this computer can run Free Fire game.Then he tell me that I am not sure.Then I was very sad and told my tutor that if my computer cant run Free Fire then why I am buying this.

  • Then an interesting idea came in my tutor's mind and the idea was that, my tutor was having a good Gaming computer so he told me that I will give you my computer on little money and then I will just buy a Processor, Graphic Card, Keyboard and mouse etc.Then I think over that and tld my Sir that I am agreed.

  • Then my tutor do the same and after buying when he installs all the things to thee computer, I turned on the computer and the computer was working well.But after 15 to 20 days my computer got very slow and some other issues also came, then my tutor told me that you should upgrade the Processor.I do the same and gave some of the money to my mentor and then he bought a Processor for me and then till now I have that one processor and my computer is running effectively.

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Identifying CPU Component

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I have identified all the components of my CPU, all of them are listed below.

  • The CPU which I am having for my Core 2 Duo is AMD A4-3400 Processo which was released in 2010.
  • I have 2 cores In my this CPU, also it has 2 threads.
  • The base clock speed of my CPU is 2.7GHz,(Higher the speed simply means that higher will be the performance)
  • It supports DDR3 Ram type and the max ram capacity is 32 GB.
  • The Power consumption of my computer is 65 Watts.
  • I use Asus FM1 motherboard for this CPU which are very old.The AMD A4-3400 Processor is fitted In this motherboard.


CPU Performance Factors

CPU performance impacts some specializations like clock speed, core count, and cache size. They are explained below:

  • Clock Speed: Clock speed is measured in gigahertz (GHz). The higher clock's speed means that the CPU can complete tasks fast and the lower clock's speed means that the CPU can handle tasks slowly. It measures in 1 second how many cycles can CPU perform.

  • Core Count: If a CPU has a lot of cores then it means that it can handle a lot of tasks at one time. We can understand this by a simple example. Just imagine that in Pakistan 2 houses are constructing. One of them has 10 workers and the other house has 50 workers, so which house will be made first? Obviously, the one having 50 workers, simply like that the more the cores, the more the tasks would be handled.

  • Cache Size: The cache size helps in storing the data and then it can be used for quick access. Due to this, the data could be found easily and fastly. Just imagine if you write some important things on a little copy and also you write an important thing on a big book then you will find the important thing fastly in the little copy because finding that in little copy is easy instead of finding it in the whole book. The cache size is also just like this, I hope that from this example you got cleared.

Comparison between Pentium 4 and Core 2 Duo:

  • A brief comparison about these 2 models of CPU are given below which include each and everything, also I have included their price in Pakistan.If you want to check the price then you can simply click on the price mentioned in the below table.
Sr. NoPropertiesPentium 4Intel Core 2 Duo
2Launch DateNovember 20, 2000July 27, 2006
464-bit ProcessingYesYes
6Gaming PerformanceCant Run GamesRun Normal Games
7Media ProcessingSlow due to single CoreFaster due to double core
8Power UsageUpto 115WUpto 65W
9Heat ProductionGets hot EasilyRemains cool
10Price in Steem147.86 Steem187.75 Steem
Advantage in Gaming:
  • Now we would discuss the advantages of Gaming in both the CPU, Pentium 4 and Core 2 duo. If we talk about Pentium 4 then this was a great CPU, because in the era of Pentiums, they would run well as there were no heavy games. So that Pentium 4 was able to play these games smoothly. But those games that are launched after 2006 effectively, Pentium 4 is not able to play this. Pentium 4 can play games smoothly like GTA Vice City one of my favorite games.On the other side if we talk about the Core 2 duo, it can handle many games easily like GTA 4 and Call of Duty 4 and much more because this CPU is upgraded and much better than Pentium 4 in all aspects.I also used to play Minecraft on my Core 2 duo but with low settings and my game was running smoothly.
  • Now if we talk about the productivity of Pentium 4 and Core 2 Duo.Then in the case of Pentium 4, it can run basic things like excel, word and Microsoft etc.But it cant run much things like if we opened a lot of tabs in our office fo our work then our Pentium 4 would not run smoothly as it will lag.On the other side if we talk about Core 2 Duo then It is very suitable for multitasking as it has dual cores.It also do rendering faster then the Pentium 4.Core 2 duo is also very suitable because it needs less electricity then the Pentium 4.So we can do our office work betterly on Core 2 Duo CPU.
AI workloads:
  • Now if we talk about the workloads in the both CPU's'.Then Pentium 4 is very old CPU and it cant run machine learning or AI workloads because it has 1 core and it is very old CPU.On the other hand if we talk about the Core 2 duo, then it is quite better then the Pentium 4 because Core 2 Duo can handle basic AI software and machine programs.However I know that both of the CPU are still very old for the AI workload as this are very old.


CPU Failures and Fixes
  • Last year I want to upgrade my CPU processor because that time I love to play Free Fire game alot.And that time my game was little bit lagging so then I taught to replace my CPU with new CPU, so for that I told my mother to give me my savings I want to buy something, when sh gave me I went to Computer Repairing Shop which is quite nearer with my house.That time I was not having much sense so I told the shop keeper that I want CPU, then I told him about my CPU and show him few pictures.Then he searches for CPU inhis shop.

  • After finding one of the CPU, he handover it to me then I told him that their are a lot of scratches on that CPU and it seems that this CPU would not work.At this he told me that it would work as this is used a little bit.Then I came to my house and opened my coputer.My computer was very dusty so I clean it with hair dryer.After that I watch few tutorials on Youtube on how to change the CPU, after watching the tutorials I carefully removed the fan and then I removed the old CPU from the socket.

  • After that I clean the socket from the brush a little bit, also the shop keeper also pasted some paste on the CPU already.That time I don't knew that this was thermal paste, but now after attending all the lectures of Mr. Kouba I have gained a little bit of knowledge.So after putting the CPU on the socket I the install the fan again, and then I restarted my CPU, but then my computer was not starting.I was very worried that what is this problem.After that again I look for some other tutorials which could fix that but unfortunately it didn't fix that.

  • Then I told my brother that lets go to the Repairing Shop.I told him because the computer was heavy so on half way I will hold that and on the half way my brother will hold.So after going their I told the Shopkeeper that see your CPU is not working.Then he check my PC and told me that what is happened.I told him that after putting your CPU my computer is not starting.

  • So then he puts some more thermal paste and then adjust the CPU in the slot properly.After that my computer turned on properly.Then I was very happy and then I asked him that what was the problem.Then he told me that their was no problem but you did not attached the CPU in the socket properly.Becasue I did not put thepin down of the CPU socket so that it would be fixed.Then my computer runs Free Fire properly.

CPU Front Side
CPU Back Side


CPU Maintenance Best Practices
  • Some of the best practices for the maintenance of CPU are given below:
BIOS Settings:

If you want to update BIOS configuration then be sure to do it when you are facing any problem/issue otherwise don't update your BIOS.Remove unnecessary apps that are not in use so that the burden on your CPU will be less,If you don't understand anything then don't do any changes.Also when you do any changes in your BIOS, be sure to save the current changes because if something went wrong then their would chance for you to backup the old BIOS.

My personal Computer Performance Stats

Keep CPU Cool:

Be sure to maintain your CPU from the heat because heat is one of the big enemy of the CPU because if your CPU gots heated then your CPU will not work properly.You can maintain your CPU from heating by cleaning your fans properly.Also be sure that your computer have a great air flow so the heat can go easily from the computer.

Fan Front Side
Fan Back Side
Thermal Paste:

Apply thermal paste on your PC after every 1 to 2 years because it helps in transferring the heat from the CPU to the cooler.I have searched in shops for thermal paste for my CPU but unfortunately I did not find that.I would order it online or buy it from the GulHaji Plaza.

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Online Software:

Also do a check on online software like HWMonitor.IN these software do a proper check of temperature.With the help of this software you can knew about the temperature of your CPU, and be sure to not increase the temperature.If the temperature increases then take proper steps for the reduction of the temperature.

HWMonitor App



Video while Exploring my Computer!


Thank you so much for reading my article.I hope that you all will like this and if their is something where you did not understand then you can ask it in the comment section of this post.Now I am going to invite Dear @adeljose @sergeyk @radjasalman and @wilmer1988 to participate here in this contest.Hope that they will participate.Now Bye Bye will meet in the next post.


Excellent submission. Wish your best luck brother.
