Where To Go From Here? 🙃 | Vlog #126
Hey SteemSquad and DTubeNation!
I really feel like it's time.
Have a lovely day and hope you join me on this epic journey #SteemOn
My Steemit Profile - https://steemit.com/@kevinli
Background Music by Epidemic Sound
Join the DTube discord:
Vlog #125 - I’m On The Right Path. Are You?
Vlog #124 - The Difference Between Hustling and Relaxing
Vlog #123 - I’m So Over The Negativity
Vlog #122 - What To Do - When Our Videos Don’t Go To Plan?
You'll be back!!! lol You could go Live on Dlive! lol You could upload your best Youtube video onto Dtube and do a Dtube introduction.
I can do that I guess, dunno, I have motivation like I've never had before.
Get er dun! lol It seems like only gamers go live. :( You could also get a green screen as well. Maybe you could provide tips and advice for Dtubers.
FYI you might want to sign up for @dustsweeper.

I've been away for four days in a place with no internet access. I came back expecting to have missed lots of your videos - and there were only 2! Haha :)
I don't really think there should even be a conflict between Dtube and YouTube. Both offer different things. I used to make regular YouTubes until they changed the algorithms etc and it just didn't seem worth the time and effort, but I definitely will make YouTubes again in future. You say that there are too many "talking heads" on this platform and that producers aren't going beyond that level. I think that's because the videos are only monetised for 7 days, so unless you have a huge following there doesn't seem much point in making highly produced videos that take a long time to edit - unless you're going to post them on YouTube later for the passive income. The YouTubes I made a couple of years ago are starting to build in popularity now. I certainly didn't make them for the money - they haven't made me a cent, and they were more like therapy in a way! But in the long term they might actually earn me some passive income - how ironic!
I also make unmonetised "hobby" YouTubes occasionally. Who knows - one day I might try monetising those too. Why stick to one platform?
Yeah, quality will be scrutinised on here for a long time but what's the alternative, YouTube? haha.
I've been more active on YouTube and I've started seeing results again.
Goals Goals Goals, set yourself a new high bar brother ;) looking forward to whenever the next Vid is :)
I just see this video now! Sad to hear because you were the first vlogger here which I started following. On the other side I totally am a fan of following the heart so if this is what you want you should certainly do it! We talked about youtube this week on discord and I will definately check you out there :)
Thanks, John! I'm not going away just re-focussing on a past demon :) Should be a new dtube video tonight or tomorrow.
wearing youtube on dtube? :O
Here for the money, played with the heart.
Haha, well buddy. Thanks for the honesty. You've been one of the only Dtube vloggers I actually have come back to to see what's up.
I get that Youtube still is attractive - mainly because it's x1000 times bigger in audience than any other video platform. Meaning.. feedback and interaction with real people is that much more... possible. I also get that financially Dtube doesn't generate ongoing revenue - but Busy, Steepshot, Dlive and other systems can still give you discoverability.
I know the cross pollination is tiring - but it's recommended for success. And screw those who complain about you posting to both platforms. Youtube content from the owner should be on there too. Why not!? And also - Dtube can only be as valuable as the content.. so if you have great content, put it here also. You loose nothing - it's just upload same file (ambigiously designed for both areas), copy paste title, copy paste description, publish - have fun.
Ill be honest with you and say what I feel, you gave me the inspiration to start posting on this platform.
I have made so many videos and they are all sitting here on my harddrive they were made to be posted on youtube but I never posted.. why. because I had to censor myself in every video. I felt for youtube I couldn't fully be myself. Let me be fully honest , in real life I swear . usually when I'm in the zone, passionate or really fucking inspired. also I like to listen to music and music makes up a great part of who I am and sometimes I like to use a little "copyrighted" material in my creative process. It helps me to add my personality and feelings to my creations. and I don't know if its frowned upon here . and I don't really care . I love making videos and sharing my creations. I get a little buzz off the upvotes and the money is just a little bonus. I would still create and share. As you can see my grammar is shit and my videos are not the best , I am just a rookie but if I don't put them up and I don't keep trying and keep editing I won't get any better , ill just stay in the same shitty place doing fuck all with myself, but I totally understand your perspective on what your saying and where your coming from. but if and when you wanna collab and your down in the country NSW come find me cause I'm building and ill embrace any creator .. peace brother and thank for being a window of opportunity for me
That's the mentality I love. If you keep at it continuously the growth in your videos and yourself is going to be so damn good in the coming months. All the best, I'll check back on you periodically :)
Is it possible to post across both platforms? Would that be a bad thing?
I totally get wanting to focus your energy on one video platform though. And the added perk of earning revenue from a video indefinitely is an attractive one.
We'll miss your daily updates but I'm sure we'll still find you in discord from time to time. :)
Thanks, Ian. I'm only a DM away :)
The minute 2:20 - for real? LOLOL wow and this is like a breaking up video. #wentdeep You broke my heart baby face ❤ see you on the other side anyways hahaha ❤ ❤
Maybe I'll be way closer to pad thai now
You guys should get a room! :p