VLOG 51 - I Joined DTubeDaily & Talking About Bodytypes (Ecto, Meso, Endo)
Free Fitness and Nutritional Programs & Guidelines
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I am a health enthusiast with a passion for sports, fitness, nutrition and healthy living. I created my channel to share my knowledge and experience of healthy eating and proper physical exercise to provide people with the right tools to improve their lives. Furthermore, I believe that helping people to achieve a healthy physique will provide them a great boost of motivation, confidence and self-esteem to be able to achieve any other goals they have in life.
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it's new idea
Love it bro, always on point. I feel ya, it was such a struggle for me when I pushed my weight over 200lbs a few years back.
Yea man we struggle, but we gota push @dtubefitness style
I know I am not an ecto otherwise i be too skinny. im more in between meso and endo
Yea it's possible, we normally are a mix of those and not necessarily 100% one :) you should come join us on discord @dtubefitness
I think im between Meso and Endo. I have a bit more work to do that a normal meso body type :-)
Yea indeed we are a mix of those, I would say I'm 70% ecto and 30% meso
Hey brother!! It's nice to have you with us :)
"I thought there was bird, but it wasn't one" 😂
Winny out...for now 😉
ahahah best quote xD I was tripping, glad to be part of dtubedaily!
Welcome to the DTubeDaily family! I’d never heard of those body types before. I’m really not sure which one I am, but probably the last one. I wonder if I can get in on this fitness thing? Ha ha. That would be cool.
Thanks ma man, appreciate your words :) good to hear you find this interesting :) feel free to join us on discord the link is at the end of my post, hopefully you'll get motivated to get into training :)
yeeahh another one fitness junkie :-D
really cool and it's a informative video. I'm a german persoanl fitness trainer and the second-champion off the german sport models. It's very cool to see other guys with the same interests :)
greetings from stuttgart, germany
ooh ein deutscher :) herr muskel sicher! ahaha glad to see you here, we need people like you to represent @dtubefitness, you should join us on discord :) you can find the link at the bottom of my post