A Deep & Inspiring Chat With DTuber @williamwest [WebChat Challenge] | D.Love EP. 34
I recently started a "WebChat Challenge" in which my goal is to connect with one Steemian or DTuber every single day via a video call.
Long story short: it's been a phenomenal and rewarding process thus far and I'm ineffably excited to continue on this connection journey.
Today I had a fantastic chat with @williamwest whom is a very interesting and intelligent guy who I met through DTubeDaily.
I asked him a question I've been asking everyone: "What the most important thing you've ever learned in your life?"
And his response was... well... it was deep!

Long story short: it's been a phenomenal and rewarding process thus far and I'm ineffably excited to continue on this connection journey.
Today I had a fantastic chat with @williamwest whom is a very interesting and intelligent guy who I met through DTubeDaily.
I asked him a question I've been asking everyone: "What the most important thing you've ever learned in your life?"
And his response was... well... it was deep!
I asked him a question I've been asking everyone: "What the most important thing you've ever learned in your life?"
And his response was... well... it was deep!

Click below to learn about @williamwest and his brilliant response to my question!
Have you heard my DTube story?
Click the pic below to hear it!

Have you heard my DTube story?
Click the pic below to hear it!

good dtubedaily inspiration life dtube post thanks for shearing
Thank you my man @rajuahamed!
This is great! I love this idea of creating space to actually connect with other people. I feel like you're going to be a bomb-ass interviewer if you keep this up (that is, more bomb-ass, because you already rock at this).
@ssimkins9 haha I definitely agree and have noticed it already! Thank you for the bomb-ass comment and for bringing back that bomb-ass word.
My pleasure. There are just some words that deserve a reunion tour every once in a while. For example: Jabroni. It never gets old.
If you're looking for more people to connect with and somehow run out of rock stars like @williamwest, I'd love to do an episode with you sometime. My schedule can be pretty full, but with a little bit of planning I can prioritize something like this.
Doing this everyday seems like a difficult task but my gosh are the messages amazing! You are an inspiration!
Ah thank you so much @annemariemay! :)
I agree that the chats I've had with folks have been great. I learn something every time I interact with the others. Looking forward to chatting with you at some point as well :)
Yes @captainbob would love to chat soon brother!
This is a great idea, my friend. Great idea :) keep at it! thanks for sharing the positive vibes!!! Keep it comin' keep it comin Axios! (is that actually your real name?) hit me up on discord brotha!!! Dnews
Hey @dnews likewise man! My actual name is Peter William but I actually enjoy going by axios so feel free to call me that :)
Not a bad video. I was looking for something else. Good job though.
Thanks @yazlaw1!
Thanks man, awesome share :)
Needless to say, I am now following @williamwest :)
Awesome! He's a good dude!
My silly phone wouldn't load your video 😥 . I'd say that the most important thing I have learned in life is that there is always a way out of the situation you find yourself in.
@jvanman that happens to me all the time :-/ but I love your perspective there! I really really do believe that as well :)
That would of been my answer also. It's amazing how many like minded people are on dtube daily. It's like we attracted each other into the group.
@gabbyg86 YES I've been totally blown away by how different and similar we are!
That is special mission. Every day could be hard!
It's definitely a challenge but it's definitely possible!
Ok, good luck!