Error while submitting to the block chain of dtube!!!
My account was created in order to promote the saxophone playing..
The point is that for 10 days now I can't upload a single video of me in dtube ( and I got 3 ) .
After uploading the video and the snap picture I attempt to finally submit my video.
Every single time I tried , I get the following error :
-----------------------------> "Error while submitting to the blockchain" <------------------------------
I tried to logout and relogin, but nothing changed.. I even asked the steem cleaners at the discord channel of dtube.
Unfortunately I did not get a response..
Please I need immediate help,because without my videos my account is not what it is supposed to be..
I am not yet discouraged but if i don't find a solution I may be soon..
Thanks in advance for your help and support..
What browser are you using? I had dtube issues a while back and working from Chrome in stead of explorer helped.
Chrome on win 8.
Hmmm, I cant help you then I guess... Good luck and I hope you figure it out
I had this same issue when I first joined and it appears to have been because I used a 3rd party verification system to get my account activated sooner. Therefore, I did not have much if any Steem built up in my new account. After regular posting and upvoting of fellow Steemians, the problem just went away. Can you possibly purchase or maybe "borrow" a bit of Steem from someone you may know? Hope this helps. I upvoted & am following you now as a fellow recording artist quite new to Steem. :)
I allready uploaded 2 videos b4 though.. It's kind of not fair if that's the issue :)
Same here! I tried several times but didnt work.
I cannot solve your problem but will share it just in case somebody knows.
And I will send this moron to where he belongs .
Έχεις τσεκάρει ότι είσαι συνδεδεμένος στον λογαριασμό σου και δεν έχει γίνει logout??? Πολλές φορές αποσυνδέεται αυτόματα και μου βγάzει και μένα αυτό το μήνυμα...
Ναι φίλε μου έχω τσεκάρει 10 μέρες τώρα παλεύω δυστυχώς..
No one really knows ...

I saw that there is a dtube channel in
Join them and ask them about this, or let me know on discord so that I can inform them of this problem.
Let's go all the way to find the solution dear.
Hey @zangmore, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)
Hey @exxodus . Great comments . Say hello to steamcleaners. :)
Thanks @iliasdiamantis