My Sudden Awakening // Jim Carrey

in #dtube5 years ago

👉 Follow The Journey On Instragram @TheMaharlikhan

Jim Carrey candidly discusses his encounter with authentic Awakening. The recording was taken from Jim Carrey's speech at the 2009 Inaugural GATE Event (Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment).

The term Maharlikha is a loanword from Sanskrit "maharddhika (महर्द्धिक)", a title meaning "man of wealth, knowledge, or ability". Maharlikha is a profound spiritual word. It means "noble work", "Mahal na Likha" in Filipino, GREAT CREATION, CHOSEN PEOPLE. PILI (Chosen) PINO (Fine).


►►Speaker: Jim Carrey

►►Video Sources:
"Jim Carrey On Awakening"

Pexels Video

Slow Meadow - Artificial Algorithm


#jimcarrey #inspiration #spirituality #awakening #motivation #enlightenment #maharlikan

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