Bernie Warns Dems: Stop Screwing Progressives In Primaries

in #dtube7 years ago

The Democratic Establishment’s first goal is stifling progressives, their distant-second goal is to maybe win an election. Bernie is speaking out.

▶️ DTube


The Democrats would sink wit the Titanic as long as they have First Class. They're gonna bring this party down before they relinquish power.

Richard is on point! It falls back onto the fact that progressive ideas are generally accepted by everyone, even people far on the right. By that, I mean no one would NOT want healthcare for themselves, or clean water or stronger infrastructure, better education ect. It seems the youth for the most part is in agreement on these issues and maybe that's why Bernie is sticking with the Dems, they'll have to cave in one way or another, or they'll die or keep losing. Of course then again they apparently love to lose...

Two sides of the same coin, when we step back and look at the big picture it's obvious they are in bed together. Democrat = Republican-LITE.
It is a mind melting when we realize our government has been bought and sold and voting in a two party system is joke

Stop or He will run Green.
At least those who are done with D and R hope for a true 3rd party choice.

This post has received a 5.01 % upvote from @boomerang.

Ban People from his
YouTube channel ?

Ban People from his
YouTube channel ?

Ron Placone,
it's time to STOP

Hey, Why am I being ;

Why am I ;

The Democratic Party
THINKS ------------->Fascist_OK.jpg

Hey, Why am I being ;