Real Talk: Why We Homeschool!!!

in #dtube7 years ago

Hey Y'all!

We get asked why we homeschool all the time. Not that I need to explain myself to anyone, but here are a few of our top reasons. We literally have thousands of reasons, but thought I'd share my heart.

Number 1: It's our God-given responsibility. If I am going to teach my children Truth and I want them to live by that Truth, then I need to model it each and every day. Ultimately we are responsible for our children's walk until they choose to walk on their own. We are to teach them how to search and work out their Salvation with fear and trembling.
"Therefore, you are to store up these words of mine in your heart and in all your being; tie them on your hand as a sign; put them at the front of a headband around your forehead; teach them carefully to your children, talking about them when you sit at home, when you are traveling on the road, when you lie down and when you get up" Deuteronomy 11:18-19

  1. I am my child's best teacher. Even on days when I think it would just be easier to send them to school. I know them better than anyone else. I know how they learn and when they need more discipline and more schooling in a certain area. No one else is going to care about them as much as I do and make sure they get all the things they need.

  2. The "world's reason" is what I call this one. This reason is what we tell most people because they either don't like our first 2 answers is that we live 30 minutes from school and our kids would be on the bus from dawn til dusk and we would never see them. That seems to help people see a reason as to why we would want to educate our own children.

I know everyone is not going to agree with me and that is totally fine. But one must know why they do what they do. And I'm certainly opinionated about this topic! If you are thinking about homeschooling, absolutely do no hesitate. It's one of the best decisions we ever made regarding our children's lives. Thanks for watching!!!

▶️ DTube

Thank you. They learn also to respect you. Monkey see. Monkey do. :)

Very well spoken! Love to see that your investing so much time and attention into your children...I can see it paying off just from your videos. Your kiddos are awesome.

Thank you! They are the best kids I know! lol I might be a little biased ;)

Couldn't agree more with your motivations and your decision to homeschool. We did it with our three children back in the 80's when it was nearly unheard of...and we have 3 success stories...3 extremely successful people contributing great things to this world.

Thank you! What a blessing!

You shouldn’t have to give a “worldly reason” at all, although I can see why you would. It boggles my mind why everyone else thinks they know what’s best for everyone around them.
We’ve been seeing this from both sets of parents. It’s sad, but we really need to start setting boundaries for the better of our family.

People think you need all these outside influences on your child. And think they know what's best. We cannot send them to the wolves. They aren't ready to be the light to the world. I'm preparing them for that. Thankfully both sets of parents are completely behind us. Ultimately we have to stand before God and account for how we raised one else will give an account for that.

You are 100% right! My kids go with me everywhere. They see how I speak to those who serve me (customer service) and that I treat all with respect. My kids are social, and confident when speaking with adults. I don't care if they go to college honestly, but it's nice to know that schools are holding spots for homeschoolers because they're know to do so well in college.

I love hopefully more people will practice this and invest time for their children. I find it fantastic.

It is definitely a big responsibility to take on the task. Most people I know who homeschool where I live do it because of religious beliefs. One family who decided to send their children to high school, (they were old enough to request their desire to attend.) found that some of the academic expectations were lacking in the homeschool program. The children were farther behind than the kids who are in school for 8 hours a day every day. I am sure this depends on the discipline of the parents and the program structure itself. You seem very educated and I'm sure you researched your program. I have to admit it is a task I wasn't able to do so I give you kudos for your achievements!

My kids tested very high. But I don't give much credit to testing. I don't agree with a lot of what they teach in school. It's a govt program that they want you to spit out whatever you've been force fed for 12 years. We research everything we teach. We don't go to church because that's another place people don't study and research for themselves. Thank you for commenting.

Very nice video! All of your reasons are great! Honestly people were homeschooled for thousands of years right? before formal education came into being. haha. Looks like you you got things taken care of. :) Time to do some kitchen experiments with those kids! haha like chocolate bowls! :)

I have yes! They love experiments! And cooking! Everyone always to help :)

Awesome! :)

I couldn't agree more. I think the education and example you set for them is lightyears ahead of any school. As far as socialization goes, I think kids taught at home are better at socialization skills. My kids weren't isolated as I am sure yours aren't. They belonged to sports teams, church youth groups and community groups. I think they turned out to be fine young men that I am proud of even if others gave dire predictions because we homeschooled. Both of us took the responsibility to teach our sons. It was a joint effort.

Oh my kids can talk to adults and kids. There are many times I've had to tell them my ears are tired. 😂 We go to a co-op once a week and they play together all day long. We are the same. I teach them in the mornings and they learn to work outside on the farm with their daddy. We so enjoy homeschooling. ❤️

We did too. It was a sad day when we had to end it so they could take their International Baccalaureate.

Most of great individuals from history are homeschooled.
Thanks for sharing you ideas and thoughts about this.
Gives me more insight about this matter.

You're welcome! Thanks for commenting.

You've got good points there as to why you prefer doing it rather than having it the other way around.

howdy today @thefarmerswife! very nice video, only dozed off twice! so yeah I think that was a record for such a long on. lol. hey does anyone else have problems with the sound? I got all volume settings at maximum and still couldn't hear some of it. Either it's this dang dtube or you're turning into a mouse!
of course I agree with everyone you said, keep them out of the Babylonian system.
God bless you guys!

I know...I have a problem being too quiet sometimes. Crazy bcuz I cheered for basketball believe it or not.

ok so this is only an occasional thing, usually you're a big loud mouth? lol! I figured it was dtube but if no one else has said anything then it must be you! lol. it doesn't matter. all that matters is that you're beating the trash out of Farmer! lol