Playing some Call of Duty Zombies and decided to make a small video!
Hey everyone
So today I was just sitting at home since it's Christmas day and basically the whole town is quiet and sitting at home for the whole day. So I had decided to play some Call of Duty Zombies and also made a small gameplay video for u all to see :)
I hope you like it! Let me know what you think in the comments below! I had not played this game in a long time and had a lot of fun. It's a little bloody the video though so if you don't like that kind of stuff then you should not watch it or watch it with caution at least.
Hope your all having a great day!
▶️ DTube
Nice aim. :D
@strawhat You need to learn how to save ammo 😂

Sya suka
Man! There's nothing that makes me more nostalgic than Nazi Zombies... I remember getting with a group of 4 and playing through the night on Nacht Der Untoten and Der Reise. Good times!
Haha yeah those maps were awesome. I also really loved the "Kino der toten" from black ops 1 I believe. Good times indeed :D
Haha! I remember Kino! Hard map though imho. :p
cool video once again Merry christmas
hehe. the zombies are too much horrible for me. any way thanks for sharing such an amazing video.
wahts be u a good player in all games and u having a big craze in games i see ur many posts about games that good keep it up @strawhat also good to share this video
merry christmass
Thank you :) yeah I do make a lot of posts about games
same to you!
well this zombie verzion is not i play still hope i play it soon and then try to complete it soon as soon possible
wonderfull itrs a awesome and exellent game and i also play call of dutty some time ago strawhat enjoying it fully
After watching I decide to buy this game! :D
wow cool u paly the game this day its more cool yeah and u r right all of us spent our mostly time in our homes with our families also good wishes u this speciall day and xmass christmass day man