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RE: Perfectly IMPERFECT Mandala #1 - Go to and look for this post to EARN FREE STEEM! STEEM BOUNTY - 5 STEEM!

in #dtube6 years ago

hi @shari-loveurlife
I must confess that I do not mean absolutely to mandala and that your design seems beautiful to me. It was interesting to see in the video how the project grew line by line, as in a sort of meditation. Do you try the same while doing it? How was the passion of the Mandala born in you? Are there any precise techniques for drawing them? do you do it for passion? Continue like this :-))
Congratulations and thank you for sharing with us


Hello @road2horizon :),
Yes, actually when I'm creating a mandala I'm put myself in a meditative state. With each layer I find myself connecting with more and more with the mandala. I never know what it will be in the end, but the journey is a lot of fun and I'm always happily surprised and excited to see how it all turns out. In regards to the technique, I honestly do not have one. I usually start with a circle and from there I let the pen guide me to the next shape. Some common shapes you will find in mandalas are circles, arches, triangles, and petals. I do have deep passion for art and I love the complexity of mandalas. Each layer is unique to itself, but collectively they work together to form a beautiful mandala. It's a great reflection of life. Life is perfectly imperfect with all the fabulous flaws and all :)

Thank you again for taking the time to watch and respond so thoughtfully to my post. I can't wait to share the next perfectly imperfect mandala video :)