Crypto Sh*t Show 3: Denver Edition w/ Mike Salvi (Deuces Over Denver)

in #dtube7 years ago

1-on-1 interview with Mike Salvi, co-creator/co-organizer of The Crypto Shit Show. Check out the next Crypto Shit Show 3 on June 27th in Denver, CO. Sponsored by Independent Security Evaluators!

The Black Box
314 E 13th Ave
Denver, Colorado 80203

Contact Nathan if you are interested in Sponsoring/Presenting/Performing at a future show or any experienced volunteers that are not new to the blockchain or cryptocurrency space.
[email protected]


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Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📉 7d
BATBasic Attention Token0.214$7.95%-22.21%

What do you guys think about Lisk?

It is a great project. I just have not been personally staying on top of their developments. Anything you care to share here??

**Psy have been following Lisk very closely. **

It all started last year with a pretty nice trade and wondering why the heck they had that crazy gemstone logo... Psy thought, wow... These guys need a makeover. Well that came. Psy am a creative lead and understand the scope of what it takes to build out a makeover of such scale. They did a fantastic job. The Lisk nano wallet's voting tab is extremely easy to use for its 101 delegation system. These 101 delegates are more decentralized than EOS's 21. 101 is better distribution than 21. 21 is scary. Sidechains on Lisk will remove the massive through put from the mainchain, allowing sidechains to be super fast. Core v1.0.0 is laying the foundation for a user friendly sidechain(software) development kit [SDK] that will allow decentralized apps to be designed and deployed in Javascript and Node-JS. This is massive for the industry as a whole and wide spread adoption. Dynamic fees will come into play soon, lowering the voting and transaction costs.

Psy personally met quite a few Lisk core team members at Consensus NY and they are working very very hard. Here is a great animation on the progress and development of the chain thus far. Lisk is going out of there way to build a community.. introducing blockchain to seasoned Javascript devs and Psy have been inspired to learn Javascript because of Lisk. Of course this is all subjective and Psy suggest you get into the Lisk reddit page. This is a biast comment as Psy'm a Lisk staker.. But for a great reason!

Here’s the link to the animated video