"CEO Scott Says Steemit 1st Social Media Platform Built on Top of a Blockchain"
Steemit CEO Ned Scott discusses how the blockchain-based social platform works. He speaks on "Bloomberg Markets." (Source: Bloomberg)
Here is the whole interview and my thoughts. BTW great work @ned.
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Dude you posted this video faster than @ned haha!
Yeah, I was super fast.
nice one, saved me doing it :) - great to see STEEM on bloomberg! :)
He probably could have explained it better. But I think, since it's Bloomberg and it's focused on business and market news, he was using terms that they do already understand. If it was CNN or ABC News, he'd have to explain it like to a 5 year old. If the anchors got lost during his answers it's on them for not knowing the market terms he's talking about. His answer to "how are they paid in Steem" could have been much more simplified, but I think he gave his long answer because of his audience.
She is not wrong in that some of the content is low quality from people trying to make a quick buck, but that's easily countered. I hope he gets more interviews.
I like your explain it to a 5 year old version. There is an additional aspect that I have also come across in trying to answer for myself the question of "where does the money come from?" I wish it were talked about more.
In addition to the rewards pool and the value of crypto, which many people have a hard time understanding, I have concluded that Steem is an incredible platform for entrepreneurs of all sizes to build a business on. Many people have built significant value on top of YouTube and Facebook. Those platforms have incredible control over the destiny of any creator. Steem is much more viable as a place to grow a fantastic business, and that degree of control and "deplatforming" is very hard on the blockchain. Steem has solved some of the biggest usability problems with crypto, generally, such that a creator needs to know nothing about how it really works in order to derive tremendous value from the system. That simplicity is backed by a lightning fast transaction system with zero transaction fees. No blockchain is processing the daily transaction volume which Steem handles, in fact all of the others combined don't reach the scale of Steem, and it will scale much higher in the coming days as transaction demand increases. This is the business platform of the future and you would be stupid to not realize that.
That would probably resonate with the Bloomberg types, IMO. And Warren Buffet, for that matter.
Thanks for this @reseller. I don’ t think people understand how big of a deal this is. I see it as the very beginning of paradigm shirt that @ned was even invited on to bloomberg. I do agree that a simpler explanation might have gone better but having said that I think @ned also did an awesome job keeping his cool and getting the message out. I love he how was able to manage the reporters question and just talk directly to the audience. Super awesome video and this is a signficant moment for Steemit and the Steem Blochain. Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks @goldmatters for being a huge supporter of what I do, I appreciate it. You're right though, I think we are still all early adopters here and cannot wait for what the future brings here in steemit! Have a great week.
Of course :) you are a force man! If you want a Goldmoney shirt, send me your info and steemit chat or discord :)
Boss man....
I love you @ned ....!
Freaking awesomeness
Thanks @reseller for showing that interview :) @ned have done a great job and the true is that most of this television celebrities don't have a fucking idea what CryptoCurrency is and how it works ;D
You're a gun, Reseller! Thanks for this
BOOM >>>> Thanks my friend.
Now this is the kind of news I do wanna see. Thanks for sharing my man.
Why even talking about that dying platform called Facebook? They should create something similar to that, that will not sell peoples data.