Flat Earth Man - The BEST flat earth song EVER! AKA 'Nasa is faking everything song

in #dtube7 years ago

The Best Flat Earth Song EVER!
A fantastic and eye opening song about a flat earth awakening!

Title: The Flat Earth Man
Artist: Conspiracy Music Guru

Song available to download from all the following digital stores:

iTunes, Apple Music, YouTube Art Tracks, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Play, Deezer, Groove, iHeartRadio, Napster, Simfy Africa, MediaNet, VerveLife, Tidal, Gracenote, Shazam, 7Digital, Juke, Slacker, KKBox, Akazoo, Anghami, Spinlet, Neurotic Media, Yandex, Target Music, ClaroMusica, Zvooq, Saavn, NMusic, 8tracks, Q.Sic, Musicload, Kuack, Pandora, Boomplay Music

Heres the lyrics:

I met a man the other day
Who thought the earth was flat
I said man you must be crazy
Where the hell's your tin foil hat
But he spoke with such conviction
And he believed the words he spoke
Something deep inside me
knew this couldn't be a joke
But why would he believe this
why believe in such things
Coz everybody knows the earths a ball
and that it spins
You must be pretty crazy
If you think the earth is flat
Coz we all know that it's a globe
And that's a simple fact
So I said
What about the photographs
That nasa takes from space
He gave a knowing smile and told me
Man those things are fake
But what about the videos
That I've seen with my two eyes
What about them he replied
You heard of cgi?

nasa's faking everything
That you have ever seen
and as for flying to the moon
Well they ain't never been
Indeed my friend they're lying scum
It's there for you to see
Just take some time, look into it
The truth will set you free

Well I was kinda sceptical
But I have an open mind
What he said was interesting
And I've a got little time
So I grabbed my self a doobie
And started watching vids
If nasa's really lying
Then they're lying to my kids
As I watched I got angry
As I learned of the deceit
The global earth deception
Was right there at my feet
Well holy shit this could be true
What if we're not on a globe?
The more I learned, the more I yearned
The more I started to probe

I upturned every rock
of information I could find
I started to unlock the truth
the war upon my mind
I had a thousand questions
I just couldn't understand
I had to meet that man again
The flat earth man


I called him up that evening
And he agreed to meet
He was very welcoming
And showed me to my seat
He said
I see you've done some research
My open minded friend
I know you have some questions
Which we'll get to in the end

First take a look at whats on these walls
Paintings of a globe
I painted every single one of these
Don't you know
You see back in the day before computers
I was in demand
An artist painting everything
I saw upon the land
Landscapes where my favourite
I was awfully good at those
Many people told me that
They looked just like photos
And then one day I got a call
From a real important dude
He asked me if I'd like a job
Said the money's good

What's the job I asked him
Then I wait for his reply
You'll be painting globes for NASA
Then he promptly said goodbye
Well I was sworn to secrecy
I could not tell a soul
That I'D just got myself a job
With NASA painting globes
My work was published globally
In every magazine
To fool the people of where we live
A truly evil scheme
See we don't live on a globe he said
The earth is truly flat
I've been on the inside
And I know that that's a fact


Well we talked until the sun came up
And my mind was truly blown
This man had challenged everything
That I thought, I thought I'd known
And finally it was clear to me
To why these bastards lie
Finally it's was clear to me
About the reasons why
It's all about control you know
To get inside your head
It's all about the money too
They get an awful lot of bread
50 million dollars man
What could you do with that
That's what NASA gets a day
To hide the earth is flat

You see
if they can get you to believe
That your on a spinning ball
Well things like god and creation
Just make no sense at all
It all exploded from nothin right
With their theory of Big Bang
It's true satanic mind control
From the freemasonic gang
You see it's only Freemasons
That get to go to space
They're the evil bastards
Who are lying to your face
Yeah NASA pretty evil man
The whole things such a fraud
The only reason they exist
Is to hide a loving God

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