Snekky Finds Dtube! A new journey on her way to fame! A new original song is born!
Hello to all you beautiful critters of the world!
Good morning. afternoon, evening or night!
Snekky here.... with A NEW vlog............
Let me start by wishing you all a marvelous slithering day full with new adventures!
Here I am.... Snekky with my first ever video for Dtube!
Follow me on my journey to explore the wonders we all have been hearing about! Will Dtube be my home?
Will I be a Dtube STAR?
The song? Yes original mine and voice only because.... I hassss no hands and I can't sing and play an instrument at the same time! You see.... Nah, won't go there!
Have you been using Dtube?
Tell me your story because it might help me on my journey as well!
My name is Snekky, a creative sock and dreaming snake!
A wandering soul searching for new paths to walk on!
If you like my videos, ramblings and color please push the follow button!
If you want to give me apples, please reply!
If you fell in love, resteem is the answer! :D
Have a slithering mighty fine wonderful day
Oh yeah.... Before I forget..
Watching and listening to this vlog is on your own RISK!
We are not responsible for any damage to your eyes and ears, nor for the fact that your life will never be the same again!
▶️ DTube
Haha this sneks got talent, beautiful song.
Here, have a snek gif :)
OOhhh ssssoooo prettiessssssssssssss
Thank yourssss so much!
<3 <3
You are followed dear @poeticsnake . Very artistically written!
Beautiful creature and strange madam@Boutiquesk (68)
Welcome to Dtube.

Hi @poeticsnake good morning and how are you. Welcome in Dtube and i like your poem .
I also resteem your blog.
You really creative person. I give you 10 apples..
Thanks for sharing ...
Stay blessed snakky
Ouch dont bite me!! I give you an apple:)Good morning snekky
very nice song & lyrics
Thank you! :D
I loved the voice Snekky! Your going to be a star! Here have an apple asks poeticsnake to give Snekky an apple!
The lyrics touched my heart too! How long did it take to write it?
@poeticsnake super meer kan ik niet over zeggen, puik gebracht je word er steeds beter in,100% steun van mij, groetjes
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