Introducing My Best Friend @MellisaRamirez To Steemit & She Guesses Crypto Slang!

Apparently, FOMO Means Forgetting Our Money Online!!
I got this wonderful idea from the one and only @KevinLi, when he made his friend guess some crypto slang. It was super funny so I decided to do this with my friend @MellisaRamirez who has no idea about steemit or cryptos. We were all there once! She is new to steemit and you can find out more about her in her first post here. Make sure to support her journey. Let me know in the comments below if you guys upvoted/commented on her post and I will give you a full upvote in my comments! (Worth 23-30 cents but something is something.)
Terms Discussed (By: @KevinLi)
ROI - Return on Investment
Mining - Generating new crypto coins using computer hardware
FOMO - Fear of Missing Out
Cold storage - Moving cryptos offline
Whale - A lot of cryptos
HODL - Hold on for dear life
Alt coin - Alternative coin that’s not bitcoin
Pump and Dump - Manipulating the market to sell high and then buy low.
Moon/mooning - Rising in price
Fiat money - Psychical money like u paper bills
We also discussed the difference between Steem, Steem Power and Steem Dollars. You guys MUST watch to get a good laugh! I only included her answers, but I did go over every definition with her.
▶️ DTube
Nice to introduce your friends to this platform. I checked Mellisa's introduction post and was planning to leave just a welcoming short note, but her IT background was very interesting and I ended up talking about whitepapers over there lol. Actually, now I wanna do the same thing and start introducing friends to come and sign up here. I'll start with one tonight.
It's really important to spread awareness to the platform! :) So great that you checked her post out - thank you very much!
You're very welcome :)
It’s so funny to see what answers you get from the these questions, I can’t imagine what I would have come up with before I started here! I’ve just followed your friend, not to get the upvote you mentioned but I think it’s awesome to see another family blog here on Steemit that I can keep up with! Thanks for sharing! I mean, Retreiving Our Internet is a new one for sure!
Haha me too! Thank you so much for the support :) glad you found this entertaining in some way!
OMG lol you're both soooo funny!!! This is great! I love her laundry day blog so much lmfao. Excited to follow along with both of you!!
Hey!! I saw your post on Mellisas page! Welcome to steemit :)
Thank you for watching :D
Upvoted! Welcome to the platform, you are now family 🙏🏻
Aw thank you for your support!
Nifty! So glad you had fun with it, it's always a good laugh when they guess completely wrong.
Thank you for the idea! :)
he follow and upvote I follow and upvote back
Oh my god I love it!
Haha im such a fool. Definitely need to do some studying.
Glad you love it <3 It was so much fun making it with you!
OMG I laughed so hard watching this! And I just got a good insight the lingo too bc I had no idea!and I still don’t haha but I’ll figure it lmao
Haha yes you will girl you're gunna be a crypto badass real soon!
Did you get FOMO ?
Welcome :)
Thank you!