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RE: Retro-Play Dragon Warrior part 4: The Grave of Garinham

in #dtube8 years ago

Was uploading to DTube as easy as YouTube? I'm getting ready to make a Let's Play account for retro games and was planning on uploading to YouTube and LBRY. Figure why not put them on DTube as well.

I did have problems with your video stopping in multiple spots to "catch up?" even though the progress bar was plenty ahead of where I was in the video.


It's a little rough around the edges, but I'm very supportive and hopeful for the project as a whole. It took a couple tries to get this video to upload, and it does the same "buffering" thing when I play it as well. I've been trying to upload another vid for Star Tropics and it just crashes the browser - so I'll probably have to upload that to Youtube. However, I'm old enough to remember when you could only play one video a day on Youtube - so I'm sure this platform is going to have it's growing pains. I'd suggest you give it a try. If it fails to load you can always fall back to other platforms.